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Member's Personal Website's

Started by ElectroPainLover, February 21, 2017, 04:14:58 PM

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Members of Gromet's Plaza Forum who have their 'own' personal website based upon Fetish Lifestyle, Gromet allows you to promote it on his Forum pages in three different ways;

1) General Category ---> Links
2) Signature Line in your profile
3) Website box in your profile

--The 'Links' section is not solely for promoting your own website but can also link a Fetish-based website you have found and enjoy and believe other members will too.

--The 'Signature Line' in your profile can include your 'own personal website' based upon Fetishes. Add a hyperlink to your website in the signature box on your profile editing page. It will show the link to it at the bottom of each of your posts.

--The 'Website' box in your profile editing page will add an 'internet globe' at the left of your posts under your Screen name, ranking, status, and posts, along with the icons for profile, email, and personal messaging.

Adding your own site is not a violation of Gromet's rules against spamming. However, your site must adhere to the rules Gromet uses for posting stories on his sites --->

The Moderation Team will check your website for adherence to these rules. If deemed inappropriate, you will receive a Private Message asking you to remove the links. If a failure to do so in an appropriate amount of time, they will be removed for you.

Understand, Gromet will only endorse your website, above or beyond the links, if he so wishes. However; all stories, postings, ideas, statements, comments, or other personal or public speech does not reflect upon the beliefs or thoughts of Gromet, Gromet's Sites, Affiliates, this Forum, its Staff, or its Members. Posts, comments, or other communique are the sole responsibility of the site's owner and, if in violation of Gromet's rules, can also be grounds for link removal.

Again, Gromet allows proper linking to your personal Fetish site(s) and does not view it as 'competition' or an adversary to his sites...merely another avenue for Fetish-minded individuals to find what they enjoy. Used properly, you could have a substantial increase in your site(s) hits. Please do not abuse Gromet's generosity.

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