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Started by zoro_1969, January 01, 2016, 05:24:26 PM

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Back again,

in the past month I was more on Fetlife, but of course this forum is fun and important, too.

I was here quite long and some folks my remember me from the old yahoo groups, too.
That has gone forever, sigh.

We are a german fetish couple, which can play quite a few times a year due to our kids and a busy job..

So leave a hello, we love to talk from time to time...


Hello and welcome back!


Welcome zoro, yes i vaguely remember you from a couple of the old yahoo groups. Was you also in the open srms chat room on yahoo?



Hey zero
Lovely to meet you
And may you and your lovely partner have a wonderful kinky new year.
I am on fetlife too my intro has link to it

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