Author Topic: End of Days by Darkraptor1  (Read 2474 times)


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End of Days by Darkraptor1
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:49:44 pm »
You may view this story here on the Plaza:

End of Days
M+/m; punish; wrap; bandages; encase; entomb; buried; desert; hist; majick; curse; cons/nc; X

2: A Great Discovery
MF/m; other/mf; release; entrap; majick; wrap; bandages; encase; entomb; buried; desert; curse; nc; X

3: The Arrival
F/f; domme; wrap; bandages; casket; encase; majick; sarcophagus; rubber; cocoon; resin; vixen; storm; cons; X

4: The Cranes
Solo-M; M/m+; naked; public; mc; majick; staff; storm; cons/nc; X

5: Explanations
MF+; rubber; vixen; god; snake; drider; domme; wrapped; bandages; majick; cons/nc; X

6: The First Strike
MF+; M/mf+; orca; swallowed; insertion; transported; mc; wrapped; bandages; entrap; majick; cons/nc; X

7: Into the Depths
M/mf+; other/mf; wrap; bandages; entrap; captives; latex; coffins; orca; insertion; encased; entombed; majick; cons/nc; X

8: Desperate Escape
M/mf+; other/mf; wrap; bandages; entrap; captives; coffins; neoprene; bagged; encased; entombed; majick; cons/nc; X

9: The Last Flight
M/mf+; other/mf; neoprene; bagged; bandages; wrap; encase; entombed; captives; majick; cons/nc; X

10: End of Days
M/mf+; other/mf; bandages; wrap; encase; captives; absorbed; majick; scroll; cons/nc; X

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