Thank you very much for the comment Nicholr!
I had actually considered leaving it strictly a self-bondage adventure without Angela running across anybody. I was having too much difficulty on how to allow her to find such a small spot in such a large and manuever-hampering area to be plausable with the amount of daylight remaining.
I know I had Angela quite close to her beginning point already, but, being a former Army infantryman, I also understand how close you can be to something in a limited sight distance situation and still never actually find its exact location. I had even fought with the idea of having her run out of light and have to continue her journey at first light. Reasonably I could not have Angela fight the amount of electrical torture she was enduring over the entire night or even a legitimate way for her to sit down without her causing herself permanent damage.
I had to think long and hard how to keep from having Angela's abuser not commit an outright rape and turn it into a blackmail situation. Even I, the author, was not completely happy with were it led but sometimes the story has to be allowed to write itself.
I am glad you enjoyed the rest of Angela's self-bondage and torture scheme and may write a couple more difficult self-bondage stories...possibly another adventure for Angela.
Thanks again for the response,
Dana -- EPL