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Hard drives are rubbish

Started by Daffy Duck, December 23, 2015, 12:57:28 AM

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Daffy Duck

There once was a hard drive bought by Gromet,

That upset him until he did vomit,

It caught fire and turned to ash,

And now it lives in the trash.


Its sunny here and hey Christmas Eve Eve too YAY!!! So... a happier viewpoint  :D

There once was a hard drive that crashed
That Gromet thought it really would last
Our members all rallied
And posts they soon tallied
So gained us a forum more vast


It's always sunny here in Brisvegas... except when we have a storm >:(

There once was a hard drive on a server far, far away,
The german's said, "Mit got! This thing is Kaput!"
There goes the Plaza Forum, gone, gone to stay.
But then from the ashes came the Forum Mark 2,
The Plaza readers can now have somewhere to play,
And maybe poor ol'Gromet can sit back & enjoy.

Daffy Duck

Cheers Trish and Gromet for entering into the spirit of things.

Got to laugh......sob, sob, sob, sob.

Trash girl

Hey all im sad to see the old plaza gone it was so many things thre but im happy to see the new one up and running here's to all new storyes in 2016  ;D

Daffy Duck

Yep. Well done to Gromet for getting the Plaza mended.


'Twas a drive filed with words from the bards
But, remembering them all got too hard,
So the drive had a fit
And got flushed to the pits
So a new forum was built in the yard.

Daffy Duck

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