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Self-Bondage Level of Activity?

Started by ElectroPainLover, August 14, 2016, 08:05:53 PM

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How often do you engage in self-bondage?

Once per month or less.
2 (18.2%)
Once per week or less.
5 (45.5%)
Two or Three days per week.
1 (9.1%)
Three to Six days per week.
1 (9.1%)
2 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 11


Hi All,

I was wondering how often you practice your desire for self-bondage. Please vote, and, if you could a short comment.




I try for daily as I try to sleep in my bondage every night. However, there are times it is not quite feasible for whatever reason and I have to miss a night here and there.

Dana -- EPL

loras pa6

I usually only take the time on weekends, unless I have off during the week.


Once or twice per week some weeks and others none at all.


I can't vote using the options available because it varies. When I'm alone I often play for several hours every day. Other times there are weeks, even (rarely) months between sessions. Three or four times a week would be about perfect but that seldom works out.



You can vote, just use your closest times, or, even your least or most frequency. I'm not trying to run a scientific survey...just curious as to how often others participate in self-bondage, or, whether I am just a real friggin' freak with how often I practice it. ;D

By the looks of the votes so far...I am pretty much a freak! Ugh!  :-[

Dana -- EPL

Daffy Duck

Hi Dana,

One person's norm, is another person's unusual.

Don't feel like a freak. We all have our hidden and not-so-hidden tastes.  That is why we all found a home here.

No need to judge yourself (or others), we all have individual tastes.  Providing our tastes harm no one else or breaks laws - there is no harm done.



Thanks Daffy,

Actually, I am quite comfortable with my level of play. I enjoy it and it's my way of a retreat. I just find nobody better to pick on than myself.  ;D

I am very much a jokester at heart and I usually give myself the brunt of my jokes.

I do not judge others nor do I really judge myself. Bondage has been a part of my life for so long, it is completely natural to me.

Besides...hehe...someone answered higher than I did.

Dana -- EPL


Right. I chose to answer with how often I'd *like* to play. So now there are 2 with a higher number than Dana.



COOL!!! Becoming less odd by the vote! Awesome.

Thanks for helping a bud Max!

Dana -- EPL


 I have gone for once per week or less as an approximate average, It varies a lot though sometimes it can be two or three times a day sometimes I might go a couple of weeks without any activity at all.


Not as often as I might like, only once a month some months, but I exclusively play outside in the woods and we do get winter. Winter is also when hunting season happens, lots of trail cameras to get caught on, and while I'm not ever in season I still need to be careful.

My ordeals require some level of preplanning, hiding keys, ect... but they can be a huge rush, especially if the weather turns bad, rain and wet leaves at times quite cold on my bare flesh. I once did it without a stitch on during a not so terribly cold winter day with snow on the ground, to include being barefoot, I realizing the folly of leaving little barefoot tracks in the snow for any hunters to find only after it was too late. That I'm sure gave someone something to think about, and easy tracks to follow on my route through the woods to my hidden key, the starting point where I stripped down and became barefoot also easy to find if one had the desire.


Daffy Duck

Wow Jackie.

That is one mental picture that will give me sexy dreams for a year.



Yeah...hunting season is not the best time to be walking through the woods without a bright orange vest on Jackie. Some hunters will shoot at the first thing they see that isn't brightly colored in orange.

I can understand the preparation required for outside adventures. I haven't done any since I had been caught by the police and I was extremely mortified and humiliated from that incident to permanently scare me away from doing it again. I do like the feeling of being bound outdoors and if I had a place that I could be at least 95% sure I would not be caught, I would love to do it again.

Dana -- EPL


Thanks Daffy. I have dreams about that one myself. Ironically enough I wasn't really all that cold, except for my bare feet in the several inches of fresh snow. On that particular day the sun was shining, and it was between hunting seasons, ( archery and rifle), with my key hidden in place months earlier, and the wind was nearly dead calm so the snow didn't get blown off the trees and onto me. I was moving about on a mission so I was generating a fair amount of heat, and other heat as well obviously as it was as exciting as hell to be out there like that.

It would have been illegal to be armed and hunting on that particular day, but hunters could still have been out scouting out locations and I would have been easy prey cuffed up as I was, the lacking foliage making for some long sight distances during that time of year. That would have been a double edged sword had I any company in the woods that day as I could potentially have seen them as well, but I had two fixed places I had to get to, my hidden key to get the cuffs off, and back to my bag with my clothes and boots and car keys in it. My self imposed situation would have made for an easy ambush for the most amateur of hunters, but that didn't happen except in my later fantasies.

I was also mindful of any trail cameras, that I'm sure combined with my footprints would have made someone's day had I been captured by them, my greatest fear being that I had missed one and some guy had a quality picture of me cuffed up and playing in the woods in my skin. The best case scenario in that instance would be that some hunter would have a provocative picture to pleasure himself over as he fantasized about capturing me that day, the worst being that he could identify me with it and he by chance saw me in the grocery store someplace. Can anyone say blackmail?


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