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Yet another newbie

Started by Rodrigo, September 27, 2016, 10:15:50 AM

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Good day Plaza!
There hasn't been a newbie introduction for a month, so it's time for me to make one  :)
I am a 22 year old left handed vegetarian athletic IT Engineering student from Germany, and I was born gay. After it looked to me like I was the only one on earth with my demon obsessed vore fetish, I discovered this site and have been enjoying its amazing stories  for some weeks. Sadly for me, almost all of the vore stories include female predators (but I value those too ofc :) ), so I put my own fantasies into a series about an unfrozen jurassic humanoid giant and sent the first episode to Gromet.
(By the way, I have a question about the restriction of the writers guide for a later episode, where would the correct place to ask be?)
I also enjoy drawing M/m or M/mf vore scenes, but only contours, I'm not good at coloring and shading in a way that looks realistic (I would upload some, but they are too big for an attachment- please contact me if you'd like to see them). Is there maybe some artist here that is interested in such scenes too that I can join forces with?
Thanks for reading this far, and see you around!


Hello Rodrigo, and welcome to the forum.

Always happy to have a new contributor to the Plaza. I also started by writing stories I wanted to read and found others here who enjoyed them as well.

If you have a question about the guidelines you can ask Gromet through a private message on the forum.


Welcome to the forum Rodrico!

It's always nice to have another screwed mind leading our fantasies astray, so at least I do look forward to see your work. Besides - a new fellow kinky fetishist can only stir up the old muddy minds here :)

You can say I'm a worthless piece of shit - but remember! Even shit has it's value. If you're a fly.


@64Fordman Thanks for the hint, I will!
@TeaSer Haha, that's the nicest use of several words I've ever heard.
Thanks both, I feel motivated now!  :D

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