Author Topic: Recommendation Engine  (Read 2132 times)

Offline subgrrl

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Recommendation Engine
« on: December 05, 2023, 05:29:57 pm »
I would like to start a thread that will be a recommendation engine.

Here is how I propose that this will work...

1. A user posts to this thread a story (with link) that they enjoyed. Only a link is necessary, but if the user adds more information about why they enjoyed the story (e.g. erotic elements, degree of sci-fi, bondage predicament, character dynamics, anything...)

2. Another user who is familiar with the story listed above, can then think about a similar story that might work well as a recommendation for the requestor. Post the link to the recommendation. (Optionally, the respondent may add reasons why they think that the story is a good recommendation and how it relates to the initial user's link.)

3. Finally, it would be awesome (but, not necessary) if the original user were to respond to how well they liked the recommendation. (E.g. "Great Match! Loved it!" or "Hmmm... good, but not really working for me...", etc.)

The idea is that we may spend less time searching for similar stories on our own and leverage opinions of those with similar interests.

What do you think?

Offline subgrrl

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Re: Recommendation Engine
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2023, 06:19:05 pm »
For example, user1 might submit:

I really enjoyed the story "Family Tradition" by Ponce...

I liked the female chastity aspect, the mystery, the cage...

User2 might go off and read that story and think, "Hey! That reminds me of that one story I once read..." And then recommend:
I recommend "Emily's Fall" by Erratic...

It's about a woman exploring ancient artifacts / chastity and gets stuck...


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