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Dungeon Museum by Milowe

Started by Gromet, December 16, 2018, 11:27:02 PM

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This is one of my favorite stories here, great work Milowe!  I'm looking forward to part 4.


Normally  read primarily F/m stories but this one really got my attention I've read all three stories and look forward to each new chapter. Description of the devices is amazing you obviously have a knowledge of the devices used in that time period. Can't wait for chapter 4 to come out keep up the great work


A random thought or two occurred to me...

First the more normal approach here, what if our poor and delicate teacher was "taken ill", so could not continue helping to just count all of the children, so suddenly ended up with more spare days and spare time to return to the museum...

The more unlikely, but wickedly appealing thought, perhaps some rule gets broken, she is arrested, and ends up back at the museum, due to some strange technicality, while they wait to sort out her situation, and the school trip carries on without her...

Either way, I think we all really want to see more of this story, and the sooner the better [:)]


Along with feline some random thoughts. No matter what I look forward to wherever the story goes....

What if she's bound up in the dungeon in some sort of mask (but otherwise naked) and the males from her trip, including some of the older male students, show up and are invited to play with/torture/have sex with her? Pass her off as a local girl who broke some law and chose this over prison time. And if one of the male teachers she's secretly hot for recognizes some sort of mark or something (we've already established no tattoos) and lets her know after all is said and done back at the hotel that he knows it was her....

The actual castle (it is a real place) per Wikipedia and it's site, was famous for a pit/pool where they would boil the captured nobility in oil or water (I can't remember which). Maybe that could be played with, lowering her into the vat, even if it's just lukewarm water with air bubbles coming up from the botTom.

Agreed with feline, more story please, the sooner the better!
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


Milowe: Would you send me a PM so I can contact you? I'd like to ask your permission for something...
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


Please have plans to continue this story, if permission is granted!!!

Also there is an email link on the story, passing through "gromet", so that might work if you haven't already tried.


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