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The Magician's Assistant by Gromet

Started by Gromet, December 23, 2015, 01:10:16 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f; MF/f; magic-act; transform; majick; lovedoll; deflated; boxed; shipped; sex; climax; cons; X
MF/f; lovedoll; magic; transform; majick; F2doll; naked; boxed; shipped; deflate; cons; X
M/f; fpov; sex; boxed; bodybag; costume; doll; F2doll; majick; magic; transform; cons;

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks  ;)


And tonight we return to this tale - enjoy part 2!


After all this time one of my favorite stories gets a part 2, thank you very much. Out of curiosity what made you do a part 2?


Nice to see this long ago story returned to!  As I was reading part 1 it started to become really familiar, only seeing the posted date made sense of that, I had read it before, a few times over the years.

As always I find this both very sexy and very sad.  I am very happy that she gets to live out her dreams, to become the doll she has always wanted and longed to be, but at the same time it seems like she gives up so much in pursuit of her dreams, but they are her dreams, and this makes her deeply happy.



Nice to see Gromet returning to old and familiar stories and adding new life to them and extending them!  This part feels happier to me than the first 2 parts, but still, I am as always struck by the high cost of her living out her fantasies, and becoming the doll for so much time, even if it does make her deeply happy.

Her happiness and the wickedness of all of this works well, and makes for a solid story.  I do hope that another part is planned, and this ending like this on a cliff hanger is just to keep us waiting and interested.  Time will tell I suppose :)

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