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What happened? Lack of activity?

Started by Traitor, August 07, 2022, 06:18:03 PM

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What's the deal with this and some of the other sub-forums here?
Several years ago this place had so much more activity. There were even 2-3 stories posted per month, but now hardly anything. What changed?


My guess it is a vicious circle.  Someone posts a story, no feedback.  Two years worth of stories, no comments.  Either no one reads what's posted or no one cares for the content.  Either way, why write a story on the Trashcan theme if no one reads it?  Sure, there's art for the sake of art, Ars Gratia Artis (the MGM logo), but if intrinsic value is the only satisfaction, then why post the story at all?

So what changed?  I've followed the Gromet website off and on since its beginning.  Like any amateur endeavor it changes over time.  Not commercial, so no need to pander to smaller audiences unless it's a personal preference.  I'm sure my stories aren't all that popular, but I'm not too concerned about competing for readers.  I do rite purely for the fun of it, and if my fans (both of them) enjoy it too, so much the better.

However, I focus on subject matter that interests me, or on rare occasions I stray far afield for the challenge of thinking out of my inch wide, mile deep rut.  Those who are in it for the glory of writing trashcan stories appealing to thousands of readers, well, perhaps they've moved on to website more suitable to that approach.  Now breathing life into a dead story category, that might be a challenge...
Tell me, O muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide

trash princess

i think another part of the problem is you can only do so much with the trash theme. once you tell enough stories, you just wind up rehashing the same scenario over and over and over again. it gets old, repetitive.
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.

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