Author Topic: Writers block  (Read 3647 times)

Offline jackierabbit1

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Writers block
« on: February 06, 2019, 10:59:41 am »
I am suffering from a serious case of writers block lately, does anybody have any tricks or thoughts that might help? I have several stories that I am working on, and I even know how they eventually end, but the middle parts are the problem for me. It's very tempting for me to just slam it together and finish the story, but if I do I know I will be disappointed with the results at some point.

Thank you in advance, Jackie.

Offline rbbral

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2019, 05:08:03 pm »
This is a great question, and here's my tuppence worth.

First of all, don't panic! It will come, it will.

A few years ago, I had a serious block, for months, I even wrote to gromet, saying, I was done, finished. But it came back, something triggered an idea, maybe a TV programme, or something in a book I was reading, somebody I met, something I saw in the street or shop, a person, an interaction, but it did come back.

For what it is worth (probably nothing) I get most of my ideas at night, in bed. It's pitch black, completely silent, there are no distractions, I don't sleep much, so this is a perfect time to ponder. By the time I have come up with a scene, or a character relationship it's already written in my head, and I can get it down at the keyboard later, I can do 1,000/1,500 words without a break. I can't sit down with no ideas and stare at a screen, not a chance, that takes me nowhere.

On another note, when I start a story, I have no idea where it will end. Not a clue. I would find having an ending in mind very restrictive, forcing me somewhere that I might not want to go. The story will take me where it wants, characters will come and go, and even change. I like writing longer stories as it allows me to develop them. But that's me, we're all different.

Back to topic, don't panic, you'll be fine, it will come, quite likely completely out of the blue. Forcing it will not work, so don't "slam it together," that will disappoint you, and the reader.

Good luck!


Offline trash princess

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2019, 07:12:31 am »
I always find that when my muse has left me, talking to people about what i am working on really gets it going again. now if the story in question is of an erotic may want to err on the side of caution. but talking to someone who will listen usually helps me.
W...wait, don't throw me away! I'm your cute little femboy! Don't you wanna play with me?


B...but......*Slam.* oh. Okay.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2019, 09:43:23 am »
Thank you femboy. I constantly struggle with how much of my writing to share with those around me, and possibly that's the problem.

Thank you for your thoughts, Jackie.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2019, 10:56:38 am »
Thank you rbbral. I have written stories as you have in one swoop, but not lately. Possibly this is because I don't allow enough/any free time to imagine and let my mind wander, maybe just a nice walk in the forest is all I need, but it is winter here. The dark quiet room as well is a great idea, but in my case I'm usually out like three minutes after my head hits the pillow, and according to my fitbit I'm in deep sleep shortly after, as in no dreams at all, with rare exception.

I think your on to something as well with my known in advance endings being a problem, but I always know where I want my characters to end up, the journey in the middle, for me, BEING the adventure. Changing that style of writing could be a challenge, but I'm willing to give it a go.

I also appreciate your don't panic advice, and I'm not, and I won't slam it together either, so perhaps time is another solution here. Forcing it as well won't work, I enjoy writing, and the second it becomes a chore it's just another job/obligation for me.

Thank you for your suggestions, I very much appreciate them, Jackie.


Offline rbbral

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2019, 05:37:12 pm »
Glad to be of any help. Just a couple of follow ups.

You're right on not forcing it, it's like trying to remember a word, or someone's name, the more you wrack your brains, the less likely...and then later, without even thinking of it, it comes to you. BTW, don't knock getting a good night's sleep. Thinking up new scenes during the night is fine, but I'll take a few extra hours of sleep instead.

I write for pure enjoyment, just for fun, putting it on Gromet is a bonus, and receiving any comments, supportive or critical, is another bonus. The second I get bored with it, I'll down tools.

Finally, another trick I have is to use real people I know in my stories. Where I have a character named, that's a real person I know. It then becomes easier (for me, anyway) to conjure up stories around them, it's easy to write something fun and pleasant about your friends - but it's more fun to write something very unpleasant about someone who has pissed you off for some reason! Oh, if only they knew...

Good luck, your story will come.

Offline Gromet

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2019, 12:15:27 am »
Hi Jackie,

Step back and take a deep breath! Do something else to take your mind off of the stories, taking a break and watching a movie, go for a nice walk in a rain forest (tree bathing). I even tie myself up and just lay there on the bed, though lately I just been falling asleep whilst still bound LOL.

The thing is not to stress over it, that doesn’t help, after all, it is only a story – there is no deadline to complete them. My writing is just a hobby, and I treat it that way, if I’m enjoying writing the story flows but if not, then leave it and come back when you feel like it.

Another technique is to read and review my old stories; they generally give me inspiration or ideas that I can use in future stories. And I have several stories that were never finished, so I read them again as well.

Please enjoy your writing, don’t force yourself to complete any and relax, it’s just a pastime that we both love doing.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2019, 10:33:59 am »
Thank you Gromet. All good advice to be sure, and this is definitely a hobby for me. If you could see the list of stories I have started and stopped, or deleted, it might surprise you. But then again maybe not, maybe most of us at the plaza do things that way, or possibly more generally all writers do things this way.

I intend to just relax and let things go as they may, then perhaps incorperate some of the suggestions everybody has offered into a new project, thanks again, Jackie.

Offline Lobo De la Sombra

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2019, 04:34:57 pm »
Writer's block is something we all deal with at one time or another, Jackie.  I've started and then stopped more stories than you could shake a bundle of sticks at, and I still have partial stories in my files from up to ten years ago.  Most of my stories get finished in one sitting, but there are a lot that take several sittings and up to several years to complete.  If you've started a story and got stuck, save it and move on.  Go back every now and then to look at it and see if something pops.  If not, let it simmer until something does.  You never know, you may be having the same problem I have lately.  As much as you've written, it gets harder and harder to find a plot twist or situation that you haven't done already, in one form or another.  Just remember, the situation may be the same, but the options for how your character responds can be pretty near infinite, when you consider physical, mental and emotional responses combined.  I cue a lot of my characters on people I've either known or observed over the years, and there is so much diversity, something you see, hear, or remember can easily pop the cork and let the words start flowing again.  Whatever you do, don't force it, cuz that will show in the finished story.  You're a very good writer, and the stories will come to you.  Some of them are just lazy and take their time getting there, so leave the light on in your mind and they'll show up eventually.
The more I look, the more I see.
The more I see, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I know.
The more I know, the less I understand.
The less I understand, the more I look.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2019, 10:46:58 am »
Thank you Lobo. I have been letting the current stories I have been working on sit, but sometimes it makes me feel lazy to do so. I agree with the "don't force it" approach, not that it's the same thing, but when I'm cooking and I really don't feel like cooking, EVERYBODY in my household can tell by the finished product.

 I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one who has a list of started and stopped stories hanging around, and that this is more normal than I may have realized for people who write. Some of those I have even deleted, only for the idea to once again pop into my head from someplace.
 I think you write short stories better than I do, as in you can put a lot into a thousand words or so, it's a talent not everybody has. My stories end up being longer than short stories, but not novels (I hope). I think that might be some of my problem as well, as in it takes my characters longer to get where I intend them to end up. Short stories with good characters can't help but to be fun, as yours are, where longer ones can get downright boring if one isn't careful.

I also think it's wise advice to just leave a story be that's not working out and come back to it, and for the moment I think that's what I'm going to do, and in general I'm very flattered at all the sincere input everybody has offered here. 

I very much appreciate your advice and kind words, thank you again, Jackie.


Offline MaxRoper

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2019, 11:51:29 pm »
Sometimes slamming something together isn't such a bad idea. For me. getting it started, no matter how crude, can be helpful. I have many stories simmering/festering in my files and I sometimes pull one out and buff on it for a while. Having several things in various states of completion allows me to work on whatever fits my mood. When writing erotic tales I've realized I often write the same basic plot. It's what I like and I'm doing this mostly (entirely) for myself and I've decided it's okay. Instead of writing a story that doesn't appeal to me, I often change various things - POV, sex of narrator, tense, era, etc. (thanks Lobo).

Anyway, like everyone else says, don't worry about it. You'll be back. And for what it's worth, you're definitely one of the best around here.

Offline jackierabbit1

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Re: Writers block
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2019, 10:56:48 am »
Thank you Max for your kind thoughts. I have several stories simmering as well, but my writers block, or lazy motivation, (or whatever it) is draws me elsewhere at the moment. I appreciate everybody's input and suggestions more than I can say, and the "don't worry about it" theme is a constant in this, and good advice besides which I will take.

On a separate note, I like the tempo of your stories, like a scene out of a movie that can stand on it's own, quick and to the point you draw a mental picture with few words. This is a gift not everybody has, certainly I don't, and I enjoy reading work because of this.

Thank you again for your kind words, Jackie. 


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