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Greetings from the Upper Ohio River Valley

Started by AbbyBoots, January 22, 2016, 07:25:12 PM

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Hi I'm Abby from the upper Ohio Valley not far from Pittsburgh.  I always like to meet new people that have an interest in High Heels.  Myself, I have over 150 pairs.  Ok call me a shoe geek.

Daffy Duck

Hi Abby,

Welcome to the forum.

Only 150 pairs !   I know of others with far more.

Us blokes only own a pair or two. But we have other passions......   So we are all 'geeks' in our own way.

We don't judge people here. No need to panic.

I have just sent Gromet a story where I am trodden on by a women in high heals. Ouch.  Hope you enjoy it when it is published.



Hey dear

Yes you're collection far bigger than mine only have a few dozen high heeled shoes and boots.

But then bondage is my main thing

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