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My Intro

Started by Eido, January 09, 2017, 06:29:03 AM

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Hello everybody,

I think I did an intro that got wiped in the crash, so now I can make up new lies about myself.

Except I'm tired of lying.  Unfortunately, that just means I won't say much at all :)

I am a man who sometimes writes stories about kinky things I have done, wishes I had done, thinks I might wish I had done, or that pique my interest in some way even though I would never do that thing.  I try to be entertaining and arousing, but as some of my commenters have pointed out, I often miss the mark because I don't put enough sexy stuff in soon enough.

This hasn't made me change the way I write; I just developed a thicker skin.

I write infrequently these days.  Most of my stories were on usenet story groups and are long gone.  In fact, if you run across a story of mine, save it for me and message me with it here.  My archive went sideways about 3 computers ago.  Eido or Eidolon90 would be the author.  That stuff is about 20 years old, give or take.

New stuff? Well, I am working on some new stuff. Hopefully it will show up here.

I enjoy reading here and wish you all the best in the new year.


We are glad you are back with the Forum Eido!

I am sure I speak for much of the Forum members when I say we look forward to whatever stories you write and have Gromet publish on his sites. We can always use new authors to add to the eclectic collection Gromet has amassed over the years.

Again, great to have you back!


loras pa6

Indeed and I'll try to watch for your older works when I surf

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