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The Pet by Stephanie Rose

Started by teanndaorsa, May 04, 2020, 08:45:08 AM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
MF/f; M2f; D/s; clinic; bodymod; sexchange; surgery; petgirl; puppy; cage; transport; amputation; cons; XX
M+/f; F/f; latex; petgirl; bodymod; sex; mast; oral; training; milk; nc; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)


Fantastic story. Loved the inclusion of latex. It took a turn I didn't expect but really enjoyed it.

Very curious to see what's next for the pet.


i enjoyed this story, it was imaginative and well written. i wasn't expecting the twist in Chapter 2 and although i'm not into that kind of thing it was interesting enough to keep me reading. i will be interested to see what happens in chapter 3. i would be very interested to read this story from Stephanie/Spot/One's point of view and, hopefully, look forward to that.

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