Author Topic: Jenny's Delight by Gromet  (Read 2374 times)


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Jenny's Delight by Gromet
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:43:19 pm »
You may view this story here on the Plaza:

Jenny's Delight 1: Jenny's Introduction
MM/f; bond; mum; wrap; bodybags; stored; boxed; transported; buried; X-frame; cellar; oral; sex; climax; cons/reluct; X

Jenny's Delight 2: Bound for Discovery
Sbf; M/f; chair; gag; cuffs; toys; bond; latex; catsuit; X-frame; cellar; oral; sex; climax; cons; X

Jenny's Delight 3: Punished!
MMF/f; bond; gag; shave; rope; straps; toys; insert; nipple; binders; bagged; packaged; crate; entombed; denial; reluct; XX

Jenny's Delight 4: Knight to the Rescue
M/f; bond; mum; wrap; packaged; bodybag; transported; oral; sex; climax; cons; X

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Thanks.   ;)


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