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New Giantess Story with a Trashcan scene

Started by Daffy Duck, May 15, 2016, 11:13:19 PM

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Daffy Duck

Dear Trashcan Story Enthusiasts,

Gromet has just posted a new story of mine called "Escape is not possible" to the Giantess Section.  It contains a trashcan scene, as well as Giantess and Erotic scenes.

I hope you enjoy.



As per usual I love all your trashy tales. I probably check the forums a dozen times a day to see if anything new is posted!

Daffy Duck

Thanks Jennifer52 for your kind words.

This post relates to additional trashcan stories, that can be found in the giantess section (i.e. the story character was shrunk before being trashed, so that they can experience being 'just part of trash' more so, and also go undetected, e.g. no rescue !)

I have written a number of stories that Gromet has posted in several different story genres: Doll, machine, bound, erotic, buried, transformation, devoured, etc. Some of these also have a trashcan ending, e.g. transformed into a mannequin that is dumped after use into a rear loader garbage truck.

So if you like my trashcan stories, please do check out my other stories also.  These can be found in the plaza's index of authors under D for Daffy.

Gromet also has a number of new stories of mine, in his inbox at present, so hopefully you will not have to wait too long.

I am delighted that you like my stories. Thanks for writing and saying so. Positive feedback does encourage authors to write more.



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