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Long-term gags?

Started by Mrs. Locks, January 26, 2019, 12:22:46 AM

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Mrs. Locks

For the longest time, I've hated gags.  I've always liked the idea of them, but wearing one for more than 30 minutes at a time would be impossible for me, I'd start to freak out and my gag reflex would kick in.  But with practice and the occasional padlock to try to and force myself to get myself out of that problem, I'm finally able to stay in a gag for the long haul.  Ballgags are still an issue for long-term as my teeth and jaw starts to hurt after a while, but I'm satisfied that the reason for needing out isn't related to my own mental inability to keep it on.

My most recent, and favorite, way of wearing a gag lately has been a cloth (a folded clean sock) secured with duct tape across the mouth.  On occasion, I'll even go further and follow that up with wrapping my entire head with plastic wrap and then covering it with duct tape to ensure the gag is staying put.  I can go several hours this way, but I want to go MUCH longer.  And that's where it becomes a problem.

Using a folded sock is great, it can fill the custom shape of my mouth however I want, it doesn't put too much stress on my jaw or teeth or anything and it silences wonderfully.  The problem is that it collects the wetness from my mouth.  And after several hours, it becomes unbearable for a couple reasons.  Having a clean cloth in your mouth is a lot different than a soaked one.  And once it becomes fully soaked, it seems to be able to move around a little more.  My most recent activities forced me to remove it after about 6 or 7 hours because part of it was starting to move toward the back of my throat and I got worried.  I think if it wasn't so wet, it wouldn't have slid around that much.

So my point is: Does anyone have any suggestions on what to replace the sock with?  Either a different fabric, or some kind of foam or something that won't just soak up the wetness and sit there and potentially cause a real choking hazard?  I'd be very interested to see if there's a way I could comfortably stay gagged for very long-term.


~Mrs. Locks~
RIP former Gromet's Plaza Forum

loras pa6

Have you tried a Nerf ball?


Maybe try  putting  your sock in a plastic bag.

Mrs. Locks

That's actually a good idea.  Just a small sandwich bag or something around it.  It'll mould the way I want it, still be soft enough to move around and adjust, but won't retain moisture!

~Mrs. Locks~
RIP former Gromet's Plaza Forum

Lobo De la Sombra

They actually make bags in shrink plastic.  Put something soft in the bag, then apply heat to shrink the bag around the item inside.  As long as you don't shrink it too much, it should provide the flexibility you want and still avoid the problem of soaking up saliva.  As for the problem of shifting, you could always consider a composite gag.  Apply a basic cleave gag, fold the main part of the gag over the cleave, then apply a second cleave gag.  The sock (or whatever) is pinned between the two cleave gags and unable to shift toward the back of your throat.  It also allows you to use just the amount of mouth stuffing that you want.  A bit elaborate, maybe, but it can be effective.
The more I look, the more I see.
The more I see, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I know.
The more I know, the less I understand.
The less I understand, the more I look.

Lobo De la Sombra

Another idea, not sure how one would feel in the mouth, but had you considered looking into waterproof socks?  Or some other waterproof cloth?  Just a thought.
The more I look, the more I see.
The more I see, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the more I know.
The more I know, the less I understand.
The less I understand, the more I look.


I have had the same problems with gags, love the idea and feel the bondage is not complete, but after 30 minutes I get a panic reflex. I have been using a pantyhose cover over my head, then a pair of panties in my mouth and vet tape. I don't have to worry about swallowing, and the encasement is soothing.


Why not try putting  the bag in your mouth, pack it till you feel comfortable then wrap duct tape around your head which will  stick to the bag outside your mouth stopping it from going any further in. If you see what I mean.


Gags are GREAT when someone can keep an eye on things. In the event of a coughing fit or vomiting, there are two risks:
1°) burning of the pulmonary alveoli (irreversible and very painful)
2°) Drowning.

SOLUTION: use an open gag like the two below. 

It doesn't come off by itself and allows you to vomit or cough.

It blocks the nappy and allows vomiting or coughing.

I like classic gags or gags with socks or panties, I use them on submissive women and men but I NEVER leave them alone tied up with a gag.

The best fetish is the one that allows you to blossom. So they're all good.

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