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How I found out I liked trash bags

Started by Trashbagsarefun, April 05, 2024, 12:55:31 PM

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So I figured out that I liked trash bags at school because whenever you didn't bring your pe kit you had to gather the schools recycling from each class in these big green trash bags or do litter picking  around the schools grassy areas but unlike other people I felt excited to do it because I got to interact with trash bags and even fantasise about being trash while doing it so yeah that's how I began my kink for trash bags.
Ps I know this is a bit of an odd post but it was nagging me so I decided to post/write it down somewhere and here felt appropriate. Hope everyone who reads this has a great day/night.


That is nice.  I also like plastic trash bags.  But I use them to wear as clothing/outfits.  I found this out by curiosity one day when I was younger.  I also think women who wear them are sexy as well.  I hope more people try this and enjoy safely.


Thank you, At our place it was a turn where we had to pick up the rubbish. Unfortunately for me, I seem to remember that they were not put in a garbage bag. I wish I had your chance


think it was from birth on, according to my mother's favorite story. She was cleaning the apartment and I was crawling around as a baby. At some point she closed the garbage bag, but left it there. She wanted to look for me and started searching for me... and cursed at what I was doing again because she couldn't find me... finally she wanted to take the garbage out and keep forwarding looking for me. She put the bag on the terrace and was surprised that it was so heavy... I slept peacefully, buried under a lot of dirt and garbage, because she hadn't noticed that I had crawled into the garbage bag and tipped it all over me. I was probably very angry because she got me out of the garbage bag. She put me on the floor and I immediately crawled back to the garbage bag...
it was always a struggle to keep me away from garbage bags, she says.
I put garbage bags on myself for the first time when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Feeling the plastic on my skin has been the best thing for me ever since than. At any point my parent's accepted my love for garbage and garbage bags, or the give up.. I don't know 😄
Another story tells that I was sleeping nearly every time in the recepticle at the side of the garage where the full garbage bags where stored for the collection.
Pretty much everything was made from garbage bags...pants, T-shirts, sweaters,
there were even costumes made from garbage bags at costume parties. At first there was a princess dress (because a white garbage bag = a white dress)... or a balloon skirt made from a dark blue dress...
knight's armor made from a silvery bag...
Iam lucky that my parents give me the space for that. Thank you mom and dad

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