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Weekend Maid by Gromet

Started by Gromet, December 09, 2017, 01:51:59 PM

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So it's end of story? Waiting for new stories in this world.
Btw, doctor says she doesn't have human rights anymore,etc but...implanted chip can be used for other things if she wants. How it works?


Part 10 is "off", in that it is different.  Some of the consequences of being a maid so long term are finally coming up and having to be faced.  So in a sense the story is taking this from the "playful fantasy" place into the "living fantasy with side effects" place.

This does change the mood, and I am not quite sure how I feel about it either, but it partly depends on if the story continues, which I hope it will, and where it goes from here.

Just taking things at face value, suddenly Jackie is going to pass for a maid, so successfully and fully, that when Bruce returns from his work trip, he can happily assume and treat her like a sex-bot as much as a maid-bot, all without realising or being aware that she is a living person, not just a fancy robot.

The growing wicked, teasing and dominant streak in his wife is a lot of fun to see, and it does add to the general feeling of a couple who have been growing apart for quite some time now, even if they do have a shared and common interest in their maid sex toy :)


I swear it is like you have reached into my mind and crafted a story with my darkest desires, I love it. If it were stop at part ten I would be happy with the ending but look forward to the possibility of reading more of there relationship.

Object Oriented

I know this story has been around a bit, but I just found it (on DA, which led me here) and wanted to say how much I loved it. The characters are complex enough to be interesting, the world-building holds up, and it has a playful-yet-naughty balance with issues like consent that works for me. Thank you for writing it, and for revising it, and for sharing it!

A couple small thoughts...

In chapter 1, the cleaning station causes Jessie to have an uncontrollable debilitating orgasm. When she uses it again, does that happen every time? Or does it become less intense? If so, is Jessie relieved by this or disappointed?

The ending works without being overly dark, but at the risk of appearing presumptuous, here's my pitch for an epilogue if one were ever to be created:

  • One day, Sophia and Bruce don't come home; Jessie figures they're on a trip or something, but a few days later moverbots come in and pack up all of their personal property. Maybe Bruce lost his job and the house goes with the job. Main thing is, the maidbots, including Jessie, belong to the company and stay with the house, as was established previously.
  • A bit of time passes with little to do, just dusting an empty house, Jessie missing Sophia and wondering what happened.
  • A new family moves in and occupies the house.
  • Jessie is terrified -- what will happen when they learn her secret? Will they make her stop and get rid of her?
  • They do not notice that one of their maidbots is different. They could have seen this in the service records, or the maidbot control app menus, or just by paying close attention.
  • Now nobody knows about Jessie; new family treats her even more like any other maidbot. The only one who knows is the service guy, who discreetly handles her different needs on his occasional visits.
  • Now the immersion is total. Jessie no longer has to worry that someone will push a button and pull her out of maidbot mode to ask if she is OK, or is sure that she wants to keep doing this. Such ridiculous questions!
  • She finds that, with everyone around her not knowing that she isn't a maidbot, she at last is able to forget as well. Despite missing Sophia, she finds that she loves this most of all.

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