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Tears in BDSM

Started by gitefetichistes, November 16, 2024, 06:39:05 AM

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I think it's worth clarifying something so that BDSM is not associated with violence or real torture.

During certain BDSM sessions, such as whipping, martinet or repetitive pleasure games (in inverted commas), some people burst into tears. This is not due to pain but to an excess of emotion (the mental), sensations (the physical) and sometimes to the fact that the person has been disturbed by the loss of control of their body or mind.

To give just one example, but I could write several more:

A submissive having seen me doing BDSM with real whips (CAD without being butcher or destructive) asked me to show her. So she was naked / standing / hands above her head with her wrists locked in bondage bracelets. (These restraints are to prevent the person from injuring themselves by falling if they reach subspace and NOT to coerce !!!! )

After 30 or 40 minutes of playing with straps, sometimes hard, sometimes caressing, she was mentally no longer with me. She was floating in S&M pleasure until she came. This new pleasure exhausted her and, above all, disturbed her. She cried her eyes out. I covered her up (so she wouldn't get cold), untied her and laid her on the floor in my arms (like a comforting friend and nothing else). She snuggled into my arms, shaking and crying as she clung to my neck. If someone NOT experienced had arrived at that moment, they might have thought I had gone too far and that she had suffered.

In BDSM, tears are not necessarily of pain and the submissive in the example I gave was split between:
- Too many sensations / emotions that she couldn't manage mentally.
- This pleasure (without sexual contact) had disturbed her.
- She, who liked to manage/control everything in her life, had lost control of her body, with jolts coming even when everything was over, and that scared her.

As a second example, which may surprise you, another girl went into an uncontrollable nervous fit of laughter after a whipping session. The reason I'm giving this information is to tell you that too much emotion (mental) and too many sensations (physical) can generate surprising reactions.

As for what you might think are 'real' tears, you should also be aware that some so-called 'masochists' need to be pushed into the states described above for their own pleasure.

CAUTION: for these games, you need to listen carefully to the submissive and understand THEIR expectations so as not to torture them.
The best fetish is the one that allows you to blossom. So they're all good.

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