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Early years

Started by Avril Black, July 10, 2024, 08:23:37 PM

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Avril Black

Having a lesbian for a mother and now that I am older I realise it was fortunate. Alma my mother was bringing me up,it was difficult.She caught me wearing her lace panties and encouraged me to continue. Then their was the Rubber Mackintosh incident. Ì touched it smelled its odour and was captivated,the touch the folds in it the belt the firmness of the buttons the collar,I smotherd myself in it.Then it happened Alma found a friend.Helen Sterne was thirty, divorced and had a boy the same age as me.Alex was seven and his mother called him Alexa. He doted on her and she had total control of him. We played together and in our innocence fell under her spell. She too allowed us free reign even buuyuing girly clothes to further encourage our decent into sissyhood  a word that then was unknown.

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