Plaza Forum

Other Worlds Section => Transformation Stories => Topic started by: Gromet on December 23, 2015, 11:00:57 AM

Title: Four Corners by Lobo De la Sombra
Post by: Gromet on December 23, 2015, 11:00:57 AM
You can view the story here on the plaza:

Part 1:
M+; F/m+; party; transform; majick; M2f; punish; tight-clothing; breasts; leather; reluct/cons; X

Part 2: Steve/Stephanie
Solo-MF; transformed; M2f; M/f; tease; fondle; strip; bond; gag; bdsm; punish; oral; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X

Part 3: Neil/Nell
Solo-M; transformed; M2f; F/m; D/s; bar; tease; femdom; oral; denial; slave; sbm; cuffs; spreadeagle; gag; sex; climax; reluct/cons; X

Part 4: Taylor/Taylor
Solo-M; transformed; M2f; solo-f; MF; bar; tease; wine; strip; first; oral; nipple; sex; climax; cons; X

Part 5: Andrew/Andrea
Solo-M; transformed; M2f; solo-f; F/f; bar; majick; transport; cave; strip; nipple; tease; oral; strapon; climax; cons; X

Part 6: The Three Points
Solo-M+; transformed; majick; M2f; solo-f+; MF; M/f; clubhouse; change; choices; tease; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks  ;)
Title: Re: Four Corners by Lobo De la Sombra
Post by: Trash girl on February 06, 2017, 09:54:45 AM
Hey lodo i just read your story this was a fun and happy story that ended just as i hoped it would
Title: Re: Four Corners by Lobo De la Sombra
Post by: Lobo De la Sombra on February 06, 2017, 10:31:25 AM
Thanks, Trash Girl, I'm glad you enjoyed the story.  That was was a lot of fun to write.