You can view the story here on the plaza:
The Gingerbread House
F/f; fpov; voy; teen; bond; latex; catsuit; collar; strapon; buttplug; anal; tease; cons; X
F/f; F+/f; Solo-F; Sbf; fpov; mast; teen; first; oral;collar; rope; voy; gag; naked; tribbing; tease; strapon; cons; X
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; teen; maid; collar; toys; gag; clamps; tease; oral; latex; catsuit; armbinder; buttplug; strapon; blindfold; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; teen; bond; collar; gag; straitjacket; chastity; oral; naked; rom; cons; X
F+/f; fpov; teen; chastity; collar; tease; naked; armbinder; gag; denial; maid; force; oral; spreadeagle; bedtie; cuffs; shower; rom; cons; XX
FF; F/f; F+/f+; fpov; teen; college; chastity; club; bond; corset; gag; collar; rope; cuffs; naked; tease; cons; X
F+/f; bond; collar; hood; catsuit; armbinder; oral; strapon; anal; buttplug; gag; tease; catheter; straitjacket; cons; XX
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; straitjacket; tease; punish; straps; collar; armbinder; oral; strapon; sex; gag; tattoo; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; rope; oral; collar; spreadeagle; bedtie; gag; strapon; sex; tape; mum; tease; cons; XX
FF; F+/f+; fpov; bond; gag; blindfold; mum; catheter; transport; sex; oral; enclosed; toys; tease; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; FF; fpov; bond; gag; buttplug; toys; tease; sendep; tape; mum; outdoors; chastity; rope; strappado; naked; oral; armbinder; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; bond; naked; armbinder; oral; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; fpov; bond; cuffs; gag; spreadeagle; bedtie; oral; tease; voy; rope; strapon; sex; anal; toys; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; naked; rope; outdoors; supernatural; majick; rom; cons; X
F/f; fpov; chastity; bond; armbinder; tease; oral; collar; blindfold; cuffs; spreadeagle; bedtie; buttplug; straps; chair; toys; strapon; sex; armbinder; gag; rom; cons; XX
Gingerbread House Tales
F/f; bond; vampire; bite; supernatural; naked; X-frame; cuffs; straps; gag; tease; climax; club; rom; cons; XX
FFF; F/f+; tg; bond; naked; mum; wrap; gag; blindfold; buttplug; tease; denial; sound; chastity; oral; cons; X
F/f+; tg; fpov; bond; tattoo; rope; gag; naked; pain; piercing; oral; clamps; tease; anal; rom; cons; XX
F/f+; F+/f+; tg; M2f; bond; halloween; costume; public; club; rope; gag; oral; sex; buttplug; straitjacket; cuffs; switch; tease; denial; vampire; chastity; cons; XX
F/f; F/f+; supernatural; vampire; collar; chastity; gag; cuffs; susp; spreadeagle; oral; strapon; cons; X
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
F+/f+; bond; straitjacket; gag; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; gag; tease; collar; armbinder; cuffs; straitjacket; oral; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; lingerie; strip; latex; catsuit; hood; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; blindfold; gag; toys; tease; oral; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; fpov; bond; toys; gag; leash; collar; mast; tribbing; majick; tease; rope; chastity; cons; XX
F/f; F/f+; bond; rope; hogtie; gag; toys; tease; majick; swimsuit; oral; cuffs; strapon; blindfold; cons; X
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; bond; straps; collar; gag; straitjacket; tape; chastity; rope; tease; denial; oral; rom; cons; X
F+/f; fpov; bond; straitjacket; blindfold; tape; chastity; gag; tease; oral; collar; cuffs; mast; rom; cons; X
F/f; fpov; bond; collar; chastity; cuffs; majick; spreader; gag; toys; tease; climax; rom; cons; X
F/f; F+/f+; fpov; bond; cuffs; public; collar; shop; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; cuffs; outdoors; naked; harness; gag; ponygirl; clamps; crop; toys; buttplug; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; outdoors; tease; public; crotchstrap; buttplug; tease; collar; group; strip; cuffs; gag; oral; straps; climax; cons; X
A Conventional Affair
F/f; F+/f+; bond; outdoors; oral; naked; chastity; ponygirl; harness; gag; cuffs; armbinder; buttplug; catheter; rom; cons; XX
F+/f; bond; toys; chastity; tease; denial; gag; rope; armbinder; outdoors; rom; cons; X
F+/f; bond; chastity; oral; naked; rom; cons; X
F+/f; bond; cuffs; bedtie; spreadeagle; gag; tease; remote; toys; mast; denial; oral; strapon; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; collar; leash; public; chastity; rom; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; chastity; naked; public; exhib; collar; leash; cuffs; latex; gag; hood; rope; clamps; vacbed; susp; toys; armbinder; inflatable; hogtie; crop; tease; climax; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; chastity; rope; susp; clamps; latex; vacbed; gag; armbinder; collar; oral; leash; exhib; cons; X
F+/f+; bond; chastity; collar; cuffs; gag; convention; public; cage; leash; toys; latex; shop; cons; X
F/f; bond; public; cuffs; gag; tease; armbinder; oral; climax; latex; leash; collar; buttplug; ponygirl; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; petgirl; latex; bitchsuit; clamps; collar; leash; chastity; public; crop; straps; gag; buttplug; toys; cuffs; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; chastity; public; leash; armbinder; gag; collar; clamps; buttplug; cuffs; oral; toys; climax; sybian; tease; denial; rom; cons; XX
F+/f+; bond; naked; latex; cuffs; chastity; collar; gag; catsuit; leash; oral; tease; denial; climax; rom; cons; XX
F+/f; F+/f+; bond; chastity; cuffs; gag; corset; armbinder; public; collar; rom; cons; X
Sbf; F+/f+; mast; gag; clamps; toys; buttplug; rope; bond; costume; maid; oral; naked; strapon; climax; mum; blindfold; catheter; armbinder; rom; cons; X
Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.
Thanks ;)
this was originally on UtopiaStories, right?
Quotethis was originally on UtopiaStories, right?
Yes but Utopia seems to be going through a rough spot at the moment with erratic posting schedules
Also from what I understand from the author Utopia had lost his submissions for the additional chapters (11 onward I think)
So I asked, cajoled, begged him to start posting it here as well.
Hence the familiarity of the first chapters. But don't worry new chapters are on the horizon as well.
(and let's be honest this series is so lovely that re-reading the first chapters is no punishment either*)
*I might be a bit of a fanboy for this series
I LOVE this series.
It's happy, loving, kind and so super kinky.
Not only is the sexy stuff good but it's so well written that this fictional place and the characters in it really live for me.
I could keep goin on with tons of tiny examples, like how I now make spanakopita as my go to dish when guests are over thanks to this series, but I would only risk giving away things for new readers.
Thank you again Darkwolf for creating and sharing it
i think the question is, would GP also post the side-story comic that was made in collab with FetishHand?
Well I'd be happy to be associated with Fetishhand ('s accompanying comics, because they are luscious and I've been a Patreon supporter forever, but they already have a home ( and I'd much prefer to send people in that direction so they can enjoy them and perhaps support the artist too.
But in terms of Darkwolf's lovely story, readers can be assured I have 15 chapters in hand and will be bashing through the publishing of them as quickly as I can over the next few weeks in amongst all the other submissions. Chapters 4 through 6 up today for your enjoyment.
Thanks Teann, I am so looking forward to all those new chapters.
(But absolutely don't mind re-visiting the previously posted ones in the mean while)
Also I noticed that for me at least the forum link in the last three stories is off.
Is that just me or did something go wrong there?
Quote from: mari0 on July 27, 2021, 08:54:47 PM
Also I noticed that for me at least the forum link in the last three stories is off.
Is that just me or did something go wrong there?
Well spotted, I see it here too, but it's an annoying thing that's started happening recently with CloudFlare (that provides caching for the site). The link in the underlying page is now correct, it gets corrected during the publishing process, but for a brief window it has an invalid link. But even if I tell CloudFlare the page has changed, it is holding onto the old version and serving it anyway. In previous cases it has simply worked itself out, because the cached old version expires and is replaced, the alternative is to invalidate the cache for the entire site, which because it is so large, would mean slow responses for everyone for the next few days.
Ahh CDN caching issues, we had a lot of those at my previous company.
Tricky beast that, Well the source is known and it's not a problem that endangers the site.
So I would totally leave it as is. You probably have a ton of stories in your mailbox that need to be proofread etc :-)
(thnx again by the way for taking up custodianship of this site)
Another three parts up tonight.
Wow just wow. I love this series. Their relationship are just beautiful, loving. If this were real i'm happy to be brianna.
Btw thankyou for sharing this story.
It is absolutely loving and fantastic right.
By far my favorite BDSM story and also an excellent love story.
(come to think of it I can't rightly think of one of those I like better as well)
And best of all, there are more to come up
Quote from: mari0 on August 08, 2021, 07:38:26 PM
And best of all, there are more to come up
Speaking of which, 3 more parts tonight, leaving just 3 after that in the queue <drum roll...>
Whooooooo previously unpublished chapters.
I can't wait to savor and enjoy these.
The fact that social and work obligations mean that I can't properly for at least the next week or so is in a way it's own odd bondage.
Pleasure postponed is pleasure amplified or something like that right?
Thank you both again and although knowing that this tale will end saddens me it brings me great joy to know that the whole tale will be shared.
Just done chapter 12. Jeez im so addicted to this story bro. I dont have the word to describe it what can i tell you is i loving this story. So nice,hot,romanctic,love and more. I kept imagine those scene in my head tho. I know the story is near the end and i wish it didnt but i'm happy and really appreciate for you to share this amazing story. Thank you author.
And the last 3 parts up tonight, enjoy!
This story, holy shit! One of the best I've read on this site. I wish this was novel length 😭
Noooo i dont want it to be end :'(. Please there should be more. One of the best story i ever read.
So good! Although I am sad that it is over it was a fantastical journey and I am grateful it exists. Thnx Darkwolf
Thank you all so much for your kind words. This is the first major project that I've worked on in many years and I have to admit to a certain amount of trepidation when I first began, especially given some of the twists and reveals I planned to include. To hear that so many people have enjoyed it is perhaps the greatest compliment that I can ask for.
I too admit to a certain sadness to see the project end, but all stories do in time. In truth, when tallied up the Gingerbread House comes out to a total of 329 single-spaced typed pages in Microsoft Word (at least on my computer it does), over 192,000 words, basically a novel in and of itself, and I feared that trying to push it much further would bloat the story and dilute its themes.
That being said, the story of Brianna Wilde is not done yet. There will be more, someday, and I can only ask all of you to wait patiently.
Warmest regards,
In my humble opinion this story was a wonderful "coming of age cycle"
If Brianna has more stories to tell I will always be ready to hear them.
Given how excellent the spinoff with fetishhands turned out I could imagine many of those tales working better as self-contained stories.
(Now that I'm thinking about it, I would love a story about Brianna moving in with her mistresses.
How would the process of "claiming" a room look for her given that she needs more than just Latex and rope to wear and her parents might also like to visit etc.)
Thanks again.
The first of three side stories from the Gingerbread House world: Bloody Kiss, up tonight. Enjoy!
And the last, Chains of Ink up tonight (sorry for not announcing Turnabout earlier in the week)
(sorry for not announcing Turnabout earlier in the week)
We forgive you Teann ;)
Looking forward to reading these two latest chapters.
The first one: "Bloody kiss" I felt was bloody great.
Okay I promise I will stop trying to be funny now
Quote from: teanndaorsa on October 15, 2021, 08:47:00 PM
And the last, Chains of Ink up tonight (sorry for not announcing Turnabout earlier in the week)
Just started with Chains of Ink - crazy hot. Guess I need to go back to the start...
Author's Note
I just realized that I did not make this clear in the text but Chains of Ink and Turnabout is Fair Play are connected stories, with Chains of Ink being the first part. It is recommended to read them in that order as certain things might seem odd otherwise.
Sorry for the confusion.
Quote from: Darkwolf on October 21, 2021, 07:08:24 PM
Author's Note
I just realized that I did not make this clear in the text but Chains of Ink and Turnabout is Fair Play are connected stories, with Chains of Ink being the first part. It is recommended to read them in that order as certain things might seem odd otherwise.
Sorry for the confusion.
I probably should have spotted that on the publishing read-through, I'll add a link to that effect in both the stories now.
And today we get the first chapter of a new tale Darkwolf has spun for us - enjoy!
Yesssss! I love this series! Really well written, lovely characters, and very very sexy!
100% agree, I had almost forgotten just how much I love these characters . But just a few sentences in and I am 100% vested again
Part 2 of The Sorcerer's Apprentice up tonight, enjoy!
A return home for Brianna in part 3 of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, up tonight.
What continues to amaze me about this series, about this writer, is how much depth and feeling can be put in even a simple bondage scene. From a distance the core sex scene is "protagonist is tied up while wearing latex and has her two mistresses play with her". Yet the scene never feels simple or mundane, it feels real. The author takes the time to describe the, thoughts, feelings and sensations. He manages to paint this complete and vivid picture that simultaneously never out stays its welcome.
That's a lot of focus and high praise specifically for a sex scene that is only a quarter of this story. I did that specifically because in previous chapter feedback I often praised the non-sex part of the stories. It struck me just how good the sex writing was when I reflected on the juxtaposition between scene "novelty" and how much I felt it. That all said, I firmly believe that if this series is a fantastic coming of age story all on its own. The protagonists thoughts, doubts and emotional needs and wants feel extremely relatable even if early adulthood is a few years back.
Thank you for continuing your work on what had to be my favorite series so far
Added A Night To Remember ( as part of the Halloween special!
Hopefully Darkwolf themselves sees this - I think they've responded in the thread a few times.
I'm a trans woman myself, and I want to give the biggest, most heartfelt thank you I possibly can for writing a story featuring a transgender woman whose identity is a simple matter of fact - not the object of a fetish and not part of a crossdressing or humiliation or transformation kink. I finished Chains of Ink, Turnabout, and Night To Remember feeling valuable and empowered and beautiful. I can't tell you how just refreshing and liberating it is to find a story like that - let alone such a beautifully written one. Like others have commented, the depth and detail put into the scenes is scarcely rivaled elsewhere.
I've been reading Gromet's Plaza for over a decade, for as long as I've been a sexual person, and I finally made a forum account today just to tell you thank you. That's how much this means to me. Please, give us more of Morgan!
Quote from: retr0 on November 06, 2022, 08:51:07 PM
Hopefully Darkwolf themselves sees this - I think they've responded in the thread a few times.
I'm a trans woman myself, and I want to give the biggest, most heartfelt thank you I possibly can for writing a story featuring a transgender woman whose identity is a simple matter of fact - not the object of a fetish and not part of a crossdressing or humiliation or transformation kink. I finished Chains of Ink, Turnabout, and Night To Remember feeling valuable and empowered and beautiful. I can't tell you how just refreshing and liberating it is to find a story like that - let alone such a beautifully written one. Like others have commented, the depth and detail put into the scenes is scarcely rivaled elsewhere.
I've been reading Gromet's Plaza for over a decade, for as long as I've been a sexual person, and I finally made a forum account today just to tell you thank you. That's how much this means to me. Please, give us more of Morgan!
You are correct, I do check this thread now and again to see if anyone has replied.
First and foremost, thank you very much for taking the time to reply, and I am especially appreciate that you decided to start an account just to message me. I always appreciate hearing from my readers and I'm glad that you have enjoyed my stories so far. Your praise is quite humbling, and I can only say that you are very welcome. I'm glad that you found something in my written that spoke to your own experiences, and I very much agree that transgender characters are often simply used in stories as part of a larger kink rather than, as you said, making it a simple fact of their character. I guess, for me, I always try to make my characters be characters first and foremost, the various facts of their personalities, lives and identities inform who they are rather than serve as mere props for the plot. I can't say I always succeed, but I do try and I'm glad that it worked for you.
I can't say I have any additional stories planned for Morgan and her girlfriends planned at the moment, but I have a feeling that they're return at some point so don't you worry.
Quote from: Darkwolf on November 12, 2022, 11:53:37 PM
...and I very much agree that transgender characters are often simply used in stories as part of a larger kink rather than, as you said, making it a simple fact of their character. I guess, for me, I always try to make my characters be characters first and foremost, the various facts of their personalities, lives and identities inform who they are rather than serve as mere props for the plot. I can't say I always succeed, but I do try and I'm glad that it worked for you....
100% agree with all of this :-)
Im so in love with the stories. Hopefully it never ends tho.just wondering where can i see other darkwolf work. Thank you for posting the story. Really like it. Never get bored with it. Hope there more to come. 💕
Quote from: llaallaa on November 26, 2022, 08:04:06 AM
Im so in love with the stories. Hopefully it never ends tho.just wondering where can i see other darkwolf work. Thank you for posting the story. Really like it. Never get bored with it. Hope there more to come. 💕
Thank you very much!
As of right now what is present on this site represents the sum total of my available work, what few other stories that existed (my first ever stories from about 10 years ago) were lost when the old host went offline. I do have old drafts of my original works, but there will need a lot of polish before they're ready to be posted again though that is something I hope to have ready eventually.
There will be more to come of this story eventually though, don't worry.
This chapter reminded me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in all the best possible ways. That series was never about the demons or the fantasy. It was a lens through which being a teen/young adult was observed allowing for fresh perspectives while never becoming preachy. Buffy was at it's best when it used it's world to cunningly craft a scenario that would work perfectly in the real world. The predicament at the end of this story would have been absolutely perfect there. The mash of emotions and mental states, that strong drive to come to an outcome without the need to drive it to an extreme. It's excellent story design, sublime pacing empowered by inspired creativity.
(P.s. though both dabble in magic and vampires I actually think that world building wise the Gingerbread house and BUffy are completely different beasts, it's the subtext and the character development where I see the parallels )
I just finished reading the gingerbread house, it's one of those stories that I remember reading the first chapter of on utopiastories and then promptly forgetting about until I came across it again recently.
To mirror what was said earlier I too decided to create an account here just so that I could express my appreciation for what is without a doubt one of the best authors in the entire genre. And if this debilitating "book hangover" I've felt since before even starting on the epilogue, despite knowing that there's more to read after this, isn't an indication for how deeply you have impacted me, I don't know what is.
I am in awe of your writing skills. And now I know exactly what to use as a reference if I ever find the time to brush up on my own writing.
Thank you Darkwolf!
Sorcerer's Apprentice 5 up tonight!
I'm a few chapters behind, but I have to comment on how well written this is. Well done!
The 5th chapter is once again "lovely"
It feels personal and intimate.The larger premise might be supernatural but to me this chapter in particular felt intimate and so realistic. Almost felt like voyeur peeping into another couple (triple?) intimate moments
Part 6 up tonight - a return for Claudia!
I have seen plenty of good things about this but had been putting it off. I finally read the first 15 of the Gingerbread House and the first side story. Definitely has been fun to read and I plan to continue reading the rest and hope to be caught up before the next one comes out.
Thank you for sharing and I hope to see more.
I had seen the latest installment go up but life got in the way of reading it until now. 4 way relationships seem hard to me. Who to give attention to, who to be with etc. This chapter conveys a sense of how that could work. Also inspired me to plan a date night with the misses. So thank you for both
Sorcerer's Apprentice Part 7 up tonight, enjoy...
Just read part 7. Cant wait for the next part. Truthfully never bored read it. And please dont end this storiess. Cant wait for briana next adventure. Thank you for the update
Part 8 has gone up tonight folks...
Part 9 of TSA up today, enjoy
Hello dear readers, this is Darkwolf the author of the various stories posted here.
I've posted in this thread a few times in the past though I have not been as attentive as I should have been in that regard and for that I do apologize. The truth is I've been debating making this post for awhile now and even though I'm still a touch hesitant I feel that it needs to be done.
First and foremost I do want to thank everyone who has been so supportive over the last year or two that I have been writing. While I have only a limited amount of experience as a writer I am truly grateful for all the kind words that have been shared. However, and I do not wish this to come across as some sort of accusation, I have also noticed the amount of feedback steadily dropping in the last few months to the point where the last two chapters posted have not received a single reply. I understand this to a point, I don't comment on everything myself and I realize that it can be a bit repetitive, but from the perspective of an author it is also a little disheartening. I know I have taken my work in some odd directions at times, and I can certainly understand if not everyone likes what I have done. That's completely normal. However, feedback really is the lifeblood of an author and seeing the reactions of others is my real joy when it comes to creating. It's also helped me shape my work, given me inspiration for new chapters, and pointed out things that could be improved. As such, not knowing if people like or dislike or are even *reading* what I've written is difficult.
This is not some kind of ultimatum or anything. I've got a healthy backlog of material that I will probably finish, but I also cannot help but feel my enthusiasm waning. It's hard to produce works of which you are very proud and receive nothing but radio silence in return. I mean, if no one's reading then what's the point? I will probably finish the current story, but I had ideas for expanding it into a trilogy as well as outlines for additional short stories and tentative plans for a full scale side story. Now though? I don't know. It's starting to feel pointless.
I do understand that my readers don't owe me anything, and again I don't want this to come across as some sort of accusation, but this is something I do for fun and hearing from readers is a big part of that enjoyment. If not for feedback from my beta readers I probably would have thrown in the towel by now.
Again, I don't want to leave the impression that I'm angry or anything of that nature, this is just something I needed to get off my chest.
I'm sorry to hear your frustration. I am very much part of the problem. I have tried to be good at acknowledging new stories I have read and enjoyed but not so good at letting authors know I am still reading theirs. The amount of feedback I get in my own stories has pretty much died off so I very much understand.
As I mentioned in my earlier post, I was a late comer to this series and was well behind. I still am a story or two behind but I have closed the gap because there is much to like about it. I love the characters including the side characters. They all are different and have aspects I really like about them. And for whatever reason in my own head, it is Claudia who seems to stand out when she is around. Because she isn't always around may be part of it but the other characters seem to liven up and the intimate interactions seem to as well.
That leads me to the other part that stands out of why I like reading your stories. You write the intimate scenes in a way I am unable to. The scenes are easy to imagine and come off quite sexy. It is something or at least it feels different from many others I have read in that they feel a bit sexier and flow more naturally to me.
I would considerate it a loss if you stopped writing or publishing but I genuinely understand your frustration and why you would. Hopefully things will improve so you desire to continue.
I specifically mention you in my 'Into' area and find it'd be a shame not to see where your character's end up. Your series and others were the inspirations for my own novella. As a novice erotica writer I see your point in receiving feedback, however one could consider that your works are good enough not to receive criticism (that or people are just busy post-pandemic). I have truly enjoyed your stories and hope you keep at it! Consider the lack of feedback a temporary drought and think of the lack of it as a positive considering the grand arc before readers pass judgement.
Happy writing!
Le Bouc
I sympathize with your concerns as to lack of feedback. My suggestion is to add a view counter for how many times a story is opened. Not perfect, but at least it gives the author some feel for interest in the material. The larger sites like Literotica and the now defunct BDSMlibrary did this; it does provide a certain reward to see the numbers slowly climb month after month.
However, much as feedback is desirable, there is the larger question of "why write a story?" I place all my stories in public domain because I don't write (fiction) to make money. I am the classic amateur, in it purely for my own love of the written word. Most of the time I receive no comments on my stories. Disappointing? Yes, but not to the point of going elsewhere. I'm positive a few people do read the stories, and sometimes they make their way to other websites (I'm fine with that, it IS public domain). So, in the end, ask yourself, do you write for the glory or for your own satisfaction?
Jack Peacock
Missed this last time, but part 10 is up to enjoy now!
After finally catching up through SA part 10, I am still enjoying the progression. The slow burn, as far as pacing compared to many stories I have read, works. Each of the four critical characters are unique, likeable, and pose different reasons to want to see more of them. Despite her lack of magical talent so far compared to the others, I still find Claudia the catalyst to the 4 of them. The magic is slowly developing as it is interwoven with the intimate games and normal daily life ensuring it isn't overwhelming while adding intrigue and differentiating it from other stories.
I look forward to the continuing growth and exploration in their relationship as well as their personal sides. I find myself musing about the misadventures that will happen down the road when Brianna moves in with Claudia during the school year.
Just wanted to stop by quickly to let everyone know that I do appreciate the words of encouragement. It's been a rough couple of months overall and I guess things slowing down with my writing was getting to me. Still, I'm glad to know that I do have an audience and that they seem to enjoy my mad ramblings. Work has picked up again on newer chapters so I hope to have the current story finished relatively soon.
Thanks again everyone, I really am grateful.
Part 11 of SA up tonight, enjoy
Enjoy part 12 this evening!
Wohooo super good on the new chapter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Just an FYI to all readers. I am currently preparing a story for the Halloween event so there will be a short delay before the next chapter of the Sorcerer's Apprentice is posted. It is in the works however.
Happy Holidays!
Both the Halloween story and chapter 13 are now up, enjoy!
Still fun to see what this group is up to and the various friends who occasionally pop in. I'm curious to see how it goes for the three of them at the convention.
Part 14 up tonight, new characters to meet!
Thanks a lot for continuing this epic tale. Still a favorite!
I echo many others that your story is great and grand. I confess that I have a backlog file full of your side stories to finish reading as well, but your main trunk from Gingerbread to Sorcerer is so very appealing. Keep it up! I look forward to where Ms Wilde is ends up ;)
This story is absolutely amazing! Your writing style is fantastic, and just so much fun to read. Great work, and I hope you continue!
Really looking forward to what happens at the convention.
Part 15 of SA up tonight, enjoy!
A brief announcement for all readers who may have noticed some changes lately.
I've recently come to the conclusion that the convention arc that I had planned for final act of the Sorcerer's Apprentice is going to be much longer and far more involved than I'd originally intended, so much so that it's basically its own story. As well, unlike the vacation arc of the Gingerbread House which was used as a capstone to the rest of the story to explore Brianna's relationship with her lovers, as well as their true nature, most of the major themes of the Sorcerer's Apprentice had already been wrapped up in with the date night chapters setting up some things for the future as well as being some of my favorite chapters to write. So, as the convention arc was started to feel tacked on I've made the decision to split them off into their own story called A Conventional Affair and all future update will be posted there. Many thanks to Teann for indulging my request to rename the chapters, I greatly appreciate it.
I hope this will not be too jarring for anyone, and as always please read and enjoy. Comments are always welcome.
Will the next series start afresh or will the last chapter be "renumbered" out of 'Sorcerer's Apprentice'?
Really appreciate your work!
Le Bouc
The convention arc chapters that were already posted under the Sorcerer's Apprentice title will be renamed and renumbered with relatively little change, though the latest chapter was posted recently and a new one should be ready for a beta reading soon.
Chapter five of ACA up today, enjoy
I am still looking forward to the potential of this arc. It's clear by the end of part 5 Briana is continuing to grow and challenge herself. This is a golden opportunity for Roxanna and Sophia as well. This is a new experience for all of them. I hope it is good and they all grow individually and together while making some new friends.
Part 6 of ACA up tonight, enjoy!
Godamn that was hot! Your writing continues to be absolutely incredible, and all the lead up to this chapter absolutely paid off! I love how evocative your writing is as regards Brianna's feelings and sensations, and how she's observing people around her. It's just mind blowing - thank you and hope you keep going!
ACA part 7 up tonight, enjoy!
I generally try to let a comment or a give some feedback.
I finally came around reading this one. (I'm still somewhere in the middle of the Gingerbread House). It was on my reading list for ages, but Alas my time is limited nowadays.
This might be the best coming of age story into the (or better a) BDSM-lifestyle I've ever read.
I'm kind of sad it didn't exist when I came of age about 20 years ago.
Reading it at my age is great, but I think reading it when you're 18 or 20 yourself it might be magical.
Well done! Thank you for bringing this story into existence - it might actually change a life or two.
Quote from: T.H. on July 24, 2024, 08:56:10 PM
This might be the best coming of age story into the (or better a) BDSM-lifestyle I've ever read.
I'm kind of sad it didn't exist when I came of age about 20 years ago.
Reading it at my age is great, but I think reading it when you're 18 or 20 yourself it might be magical.
Well done! Thank you for bringing this story into existence - it might actually change a life or two.
Thank you very much, that is high praise indeed and I really appreciate it. I can't say I originally envisioned this series as a coming of age story, in the outline stage it was much shorter and far more conventional, but as I wrote I really fell in love with the characters and found the exploration of their lives and feelings to be a much more interesting story. I do hope you manage to find time to read the rest and that you enjoy it as well.
Chapter 8 of A Conventional Affair is now available.
Please enjoy, and comments make the author happy ;)
Your love for these characters is absolutely coming through here, and it makes the way you write (both them and the whole story) that much better. You're doing an amazing job of detailing both their inner and outer lives, and also including some really fucking steamy erotica, which is even better! Loved the ending to this chapter - can't wait to see what happens next! Yay (bratty) confidence from Brianna!
This is just up to A Coventional Affair 6. I went and reread part 5 beforehand to have things fresh in my mind where things were at. The main group of characters are still great. Elise is fun and interesting as have many side characters introduced. The mystery woman in latex is a nice touch. Then there is Claire. The more I have seen of her as you develop her, the closer she comes to my vision for a dream woman in terms of looks, personality, kinks, and fetishes. So while I want to be jealous of Elise, it's definitely for the better for them. But there will be a little disappointment when her story is over, but the others are well worth it to continue following.
A Conventional Affair part 9 up tonight, enjoy!
And part 10 up tonight, more rubbery pet goodness all round, enjoy!
I know I'm late to the party but I went back to the very start and I can tell I'm going to enjoy this one. The build up really drew me in and I'm excited to read more.
I did found this seriese 2 week ago
I have problem to read so mush text so I did using ai text to talk local on my computer.
I love the story so far I am on The Sorcerer's Apprentice part 5.
Darkwolf is it okey to share the audio file I create public here in the forum
A steamy part 11 up tonight, enjoy!
Hot damn, part 11 is so fucking good! The image of Elise presiding over all of that like a ringmaster is absolutely incredible! Fantastic writing, hope you keep it up!
Part 12 of A Conventional Affair up tonight enjoy!
Part 13 of ACA up tonight, enjoy!
These last two chapters have been the perfect dose of quiet not-exactly-domesticity after all the big moments and excitement up til now. It's been delightful to read, and you're doing an amazing job of showing both sides of this.
Quote from: throwaway140124 on January 14, 2025, 11:36:26 AMThese last two chapters have been the perfect dose of quiet not-exactly-domesticity after all the big moments and excitement up til now. It's been delightful to read, and you're doing an amazing job of showing both sides of this.
Thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words and I'm glad to see that people are still following this story after so much time.
And we round out Conventional Affair tonight with part 14: enjoy!
Thank you for the update. I had so much fun while read it. Never failed to make me grinned alone. I cant wait for the next update if it has one. Thanks again for the stories. Love it.
Hello everyone, though I might drop this here for any new readers or for any returning readers who might be confused onto the story order. This little tale I've woven had grown far beyond what I initially expected and I think it might just keep growing as time goes on. So, I thought I'd put together a little table of contents to help things along.
The main line thus far consists of three stories in the following order. A fourth story is loosely planned at the moment, but that will a project for the far future most likely.
1 The Gingerbread House
2 The Sorcerer's Apprentice
3 A Conventional Affair
The various side stories are the most complicated by far and mostly explore the adventures of various side characters from the main stories. It is recommended to have at least read The Gingerbread House for them to make sense, but it is not completely necessary.
1 Bloody Kiss, Blood and Lust (mostly self contained)
2 Chains of Ink
3 Tables Turned
4 A Night to Remember
A fifth side story called Best Served Cold is being worked on now and at some point I plan to re-post some very old stories that debuted on GaggedUtopia over 10 years ago once I clean them up a bit. After that we'll have to see where the muse takes me.
Wow! I wouldn't have expected to end this arc with a Claudia POV, but it's worked really well! It's amazing to be able to get another perspective on these characters and relationships that we've already learned so much about, and it really helps flesh things out and improve not just on those things that we see here, but so much more of the world in general! Looking forward to whatever you work on next :)
Quote from: throwaway140124 on March 01, 2025, 10:49:07 PMWow! I wouldn't have expected to end this arc with a Claudia POV, but it's worked really well! It's amazing to be able to get another perspective on these characters and relationships that we've already learned so much about, and it really helps flesh things out and improve not just on those things that we see here, but so much more of the world in general! Looking forward to whatever you work on next :)
Thank you. As I was writing this story I debated several different ways to end it, but as I went I realized that for all of her importance to the narrative there were no chapters from Claudia's perspective. Combined with the fact that her overall absence was an important plot point it all just sort of clicked and here we are.
Glad that you liked it in any case and stay tuned, I've definitely got more planned.
Hi Darkwolf,
thank you for your stories! I enjoyed A Conventional Affair and now I'm going to read everything from the beginning.
However there is one thing that bothers me. Please consider this a bug report rather than a criticism. The thing is, when Sofia says dorogoy, she should actually say dorogaya. The former is a masculine form used when addressing a man, the latter is a feminine form used when addressing a girl. Of course other characters don't know this, but she'd know if she's Russian.
Unfortunate that we didn't catch that in the beta read. Probably not possible to edit the already posted chapters, but I'll make sure to make the relevant corrections going forward.
Thanks, and I'm glad you've enjoyed things so far.