Plaza Forum

Other Worlds Section => Machine Stories => Topic started by: teanndaorsa on April 20, 2020, 08:49:28 AM

Title: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: teanndaorsa on April 20, 2020, 08:49:28 AM
You can view the story here on the plaza:
M/f; machine; cuffs; steampunk; boots; bond; rom; basement; cons; X
M/f; machine; cuffs; collar; steampunk; boots; gloves; latex; bond; rom; basement; cons; X
M/f; bond; machine; steampunk; historical; rope; corset; cuffs; boots; leather; collar; fucking-machine; insert; force; basement; voyeur; cons; X
M/f; bond; machine; steampunk; historical; supernatural; ghosts; tease; corset; cuffs; boots; leather; collar; fucking-machine; insert; basement; voyeur; cons; X
M/f; FM/f; machine; steampunk; historical; bond; gag; kidnap; blindfold; naked; stocks; whip; punish; nc; reluct; XX

Please feel free to leave your kind comments and feedback about this story here.

Thanks  ;)
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: EMii on April 22, 2020, 02:24:14 PM
Very interessting and promising start into whatever might arise in Alexandras journey.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on April 29, 2020, 08:21:17 PM
Thanks for your super-nice comment, EMii! You've inspired me to write a chapter 3 (almost done with chapter 2) and there will be more if readers enjoy.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: AmyAmy on May 15, 2020, 01:54:22 PM
Excellent story.
Lovely victorian gothic genre feel with everything in the right place.

I'm totally hooked. Trembling in anticipation of the next installment.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on May 23, 2020, 02:01:04 PM
I can't thank you enough for your inspiring post. It means so much as I write. 🌹 M.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: teanndaorsa on May 24, 2020, 04:17:18 PM
Part 2 up today - foreshadowing of kinky things to come. :-)
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: AmyAmy on May 25, 2020, 04:03:30 PM
This continues to delight.
A surprising amount of plot is packed in this episode, and the quality does not flag, if anything it is on an upward trajectory. I have my hopes up for a beautifully executed arc of ever increasing climaxes.

The only complaint is that due to it not being available yet, I can't read the entire story in one sitting, which I surely would. Perhaps it is better not to devour all the delicious things at once though?

Waiting may make it sweeter.

Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on May 31, 2020, 03:56:44 PM
My utmost appreciation for your post.

Waiting can be sweet, as Countess Gladstone discovers in the upcoming chapter 3, but defying Victorian society's repressive conventions about female sexuality can prove both liberating and shocking.

M. 🌹
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: teanndaorsa on June 25, 2020, 08:41:40 AM
Chapter 3 up today.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on June 27, 2020, 03:12:30 PM
Sweetest and most thoughtful note this morning from a reader. Thank you so much.

M. 🌹
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: Tigerstretch on June 27, 2020, 04:41:11 PM
Quote from: MistiLoveF on June 27, 2020, 03:12:30 PM
Sweetest and most thoughtful note this morning from a reader. Thank you so much.

M. 🌹

I love it when that happens. The other day a reader sent me a very long message with a full analysis of one of my series and pointed out many little details that I added here and there in the story. His display of appreciation for my work was so heartwarming and motivating.

Taking the time, not just to tell, but show an author that you've read his/her work is very appreciated.

Well deserved, Misti.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on June 28, 2020, 02:10:29 PM
Thank you for those kind words, Tigerstretch. I enjoy your work immensely.

M. 🌹
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: teanndaorsa on August 09, 2020, 09:59:44 PM
Part 4 went up yesterday, with a tantalising cliffhanger for you all...
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on August 10, 2020, 04:45:00 PM
Quote from: teanndaorsa on August 09, 2020, 09:59:44 PM
Part 4 went up yesterday, with a tantalising cliffhanger for you all...

Yes, and chapter 5 will be the finale. Thank you to all the readers. You are the inspiration!

M. 🌹
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: teanndaorsa on October 14, 2020, 08:48:20 PM
And indeed, the finale up today. I would add my voice to those appreciating the story, I love the steampunk setting and that it finished with a dramatic flair, while our heroine sticks to her principles of hedonism even in the face of bigotry and cruelty. :-)
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on October 16, 2020, 01:34:33 AM
Quote from: teanndaorsa on October 14, 2020, 08:48:20 PM
And indeed, the finale up today. I would add my voice to those appreciating the story, I love the steampunk setting and that it finished with a dramatic flair, while our heroine sticks to her principles of hedonism even in the face of bigotry and cruelty. :-)

Thanks very much, Teann and to those who enjoyed the series. Your kind words are very special to me.
Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: Eido on April 13, 2021, 02:50:19 AM
This was a gripping and amazingly readable work. I particularly enjoyed the balance it struck between steam punk, period historical fiction, and eroticism. These elements were so well blended and engaging.

Thanks for adding this to the Plaza collection. I will definitely keep an eye out for your other work.

Title: Re: The Bootmaker's Steam Machines by Misti Love-Fitzpatrick
Post by: MLoveAuthor on April 13, 2021, 06:38:21 PM
Quote from: Eido on April 13, 2021, 02:50:19 AM
This was a gripping and amazingly readable work. I particularly enjoyed the balance it struck between steam punk, period historical fiction, and eroticism. These elements were so well blended and engaging.

Thanks for adding this to the Plaza collection. I will definitely keep an eye out for your other work.


Thanks very much, Eido. I'm proud of the story, which is the most widely-read of mine on the Plaza. I devoted a lot of time to develop the plot and wrote multiple drafts. I'm reluctant to put a number on the hours, but it's a big one:.)

So it's very much appreciated to get feedback on the Forum, especially from someone as thoughtful as you. I'm working on a sequel now that will chronicle Countess Gladstone's latest adventure. It will be equal parts gothic and steampunk — and all erotica. I hope readers will enjoy it.