Here's a link to an actual scholarly paper about our favorite subject:
It uses info collected from in the early nineties. As it happens, I was a regular visitor there and I suspect many of you may have been there too so our opinions may be included. It's not titillating in any way but there's precious little of this sort of research being done and I was pleased to find it.
Well Max...I can tell this is going to be a very insightful and interesting read. Thank you very much for sharing it with us. I enjoy reading, not only stories of fetishes, but, studies based upon the lifestyle in which we find interesting and fulfilling.
Thanks again for the thesis.
As suspected, the paper was very informative. However, it would be nice to see a similar investigatory paper written from data extrapolated today, about a quarter century later. With the differences of computer literate and usage being so much different between then and now, much more accurate data with many more posts could tighten the numbers of percentiles down. Even here at Gromet's Forum, only after a year of rebuilding posts, I believe more informative insight into our culture than afforded twenty-five or so years ago. The internet was simply too new and strange back then and far fewer people had access to it than today.