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Bondage => Bondage Discussion => Topic started by: 64Fordman on January 12, 2017, 04:11:00 AM

Title: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 12, 2017, 04:11:00 AM
Woman gets tied to a chair and covered with whip cream and other related food stuffs. Apparently this is a ritual when someone makes their 100th parachute jump.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 23, 2017, 01:44:11 AM
Another ritual that involves bondage, this time from Scotland. Called a Blackening, or getting done, the bride and groom to be are covered in disgusting concoctions to ward off evil spirits, and to show what kind of jackasses their friends can be so when they're camped out at the happy couple's new place drinking all their beer and watching football it doesn't seem so bad.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 24, 2017, 03:57:01 AM
A NY Post producer attends a class on Meditative Bondage. (Why are they all women?)

P.S. A lot of Spandex
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: MaxRoper on January 24, 2017, 04:11:50 AM
I would guess a class on Meditative Bondage would go a lot smoother if it was same-sex only. The reporter is female so an all female group would be the obvious choice.

The story, while a little giggly, wasn't too dismissive. Just one more tiny step towards the mainstream.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 24, 2017, 05:22:27 AM
Thanks Max,

The one in the lotus tie was definitely into it.

When I first saw it I remembered the saying, find something your passionate about and figure out how to make a living at it, you'll never work another day in your life. That instructor must be living the dream, because you gotta tie up a hell of a lot of women at 5 bucks a pop to make any money.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on January 24, 2017, 05:54:20 AM
I enjoyed the Meditative Bondage video very much. Very interesting. Never been huge into meditation, but, I could change my mind with the right circumstance I guess.

Great Vid Fordman, thanks.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 24, 2017, 07:39:35 AM
There is a conversation going on in another section about what it's like at a FetishCon. In this short video a producer feeds his model lunch while she is tied to a chair at a convention display booth.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 25, 2017, 01:26:59 AM
These two moms, Holly and Patricia, may be the biggest fans of The Walking Dead on the planet. They call themselves the Dead Talkers and conduct an extensive analysis of EVERY EPISODE, which they post to their YouTube channel.

During their discussion about season 6, episode 13 where a character is bound with duct tape and escapes by cutting the tape with the cross of a rosary, the ladies doubt it can't be that easy and decide to try it for themselves.

In the first video Holly happily tapes up Patricia, with no rosary handy she settles for car keys. They have obviously never done this before and it's very cute to watch. In the second video Holly wants to try it too.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 26, 2017, 02:40:33 AM
Let's play Jeopardy

I'll take bondage for 100 Alex

And the answer is: In this country it is okay to randomly grab an attractive woman out of a crowd, tie her up and parade her around while espousing her physical virtues, then sell her to the highest bidder.

What is Sweden?

Correct (at a Viking Ren faire)
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: Steve Spandex on January 27, 2017, 05:58:41 PM
Re the Meditative Bondage vid

The reporter says she doesn't feel anything sexual. This is because there are two things missing in her bondage:

a. A crotch rope
b. The right partner

(I am willing to supply her with both!)

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 27, 2017, 08:58:25 PM
You could be right Steve, personally I feel she doeth protest too much.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: Steve Spandex on January 28, 2017, 06:12:00 AM
I think you're right Fordman. I'm sure with the right coaxing and nurturing she could become a convert to the cause.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on January 30, 2017, 05:42:09 AM
Russian Shibari instructor teaches a class (in a library?) with a volunteer from the audience

Pt. 2 – leaves her tied up while he answers questions
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on January 30, 2017, 05:41:02 PM
Nice videos Fordman. I have not been in the past but have been becoming a bigger fan of Shibari rope bondage lately. I enjoyed watching these. Thank you.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 01, 2017, 12:57:51 AM
Hojojutsu is the ancient martial art of binding an opponent and may be the origin of Shibari.

In this video Shidoshi Nogueira demonstrates various technique on Shidoshi Juliana Galende

Juliana gets a turn doing the tying
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 02, 2017, 02:25:23 AM
Female competitive shooter hits a quarter with her hands tied, and to keep it interesting she is using a bolt-action rifle.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 02, 2017, 04:04:39 AM
I must've died and gone to heaven...A hot girl, hands bound, shooting a rifle. What more could one ask for? Thanks Fordman.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 03, 2017, 01:47:38 AM
German lovelies Sandra and Emma each host a webcast dedicated to bringing all things kinky to their Deutschland audience.

In this video Sandra discovers the beauty of the hog tie from Rope-Mistress Lisa. Sandra is quite chatty during the video. That is until the chest harness begins, then her eyes and nervous giggles say it all.

Emma is a bit more adventurous and visits a kinky workshop where she tries fire play, a vacbed and a strict hair-to-foot hog tie.

Having fun so far, Emma gets strapped down to a table for Chinese water torture (remember Kerri from Myth Busters?) with equally disastrous results. (She may still be in therapy)
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 03, 2017, 02:02:36 AM
I have yet to watch the video's, but, Fordman...I am soooo disappointed. That would be Kari...Kari Byron. Very Hot Red-head...been infatuated by her since the show first came out...when the boys did "Vacuum Toilet" in Season 1. Again...that would be Kari.  ;D ;D ;D

Great video's Fordman...nice and erotic. However, Kari was tied much more inescapable though was released when the medics thought she had had enough.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: Lobo De la Sombra on February 03, 2017, 11:11:29 AM
So, Dana, have you checked out Kari's newest project?  It's called White Rabbit Project, and it stars Kari, Grant and Tory.  It's a Netflix show.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 03, 2017, 12:35:19 PM
Already devoured the whole season Lobo. I couldn't handle the last season of Mythbuster's without my beautiful redhead on there. I will probably have to watch White Rabbit Project again...just trying to give myself time to let them fade the memory a little.

Thanks for the heads up though.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 03, 2017, 01:07:26 PM
Sorry Dana, got mixed up. At least I remembered it wasn't Carrie, as in Fisher. They both got themselves into a tight spot now and then.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 03, 2017, 01:14:00 PM
Quote from: 64Fordman on February 03, 2017, 01:07:26 PM
Sorry Dana, got mixed up. At least I remembered it wasn't Carrie, as in Fisher. They both got themselves into a tight spot now and then.

No problem did get it close and I had to give you a hard time. Yes, they have both been in a fix at times.;)  (Thought I was think of the wrong person...didn't realized she passed in December.)
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: Lobo De la Sombra on February 04, 2017, 01:48:14 AM
In that case, Dana, this one's for you:
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 04, 2017, 04:49:00 AM
Thank you so very much Lobo...Kari has a very nice ass...especially bent over in that spandex suit. Yum  ;D  :D

As Jamie told her during the episode..."That's probably the best view you'll ever have of your ass." I have to agree.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 04, 2017, 04:50:13 AM
Game shows are as popular on Asian television as in Europe and the States, only a lot more kinky. Perhaps we should start a write-in campaign to the producers of Let's Make a Deal and Pointless to bring versions of the following Asian shows to the west.

To win on this game show, attractive women must complete various tasks while tied hand and foot.

In this show female contestants are tied hand and foot seated in a chair that is slowly sinking into a pool, the male partners must navigate a watery obstacle course to reach their helpless teammate while being heckled by the "pirates" holding them and untie the ropes before their heads go under. Did I mention they're in swimwear?

Mummified contestants must worm their way through an obstacle course.

Variation where contestants must answer questions while being mummified by machine. The more questions they get wrong the faster the twin spools circle their body, when the wrapping covers their head they are eliminated by being placed in a sarcophagus. The whole time their friends sit on the side lines and make fun of them.

I like this Asian version of survivor way better, hot women hunted down and hog tied.

I'll close with a couple of non-bondage honorable mentions from Japan. Hand job Karaoke, a male contestant sings while being manipulated by an attractive woman in a nurse's uniform, he must get entirely through a song without, you know.

Strip the Girl, think of it like Wheel of Fortune, except there is a naked woman behind the board and contestants play to remove the letters. Vanna, your agent in on line 1.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: Steve Spandex on February 04, 2017, 06:20:29 PM
I agree Fordman. We should definitely start pushing for shows like this over here.

I really liked the mummified one, especially as they didn't seem too keen to let them out of their bonds at the end. In, fact, they just seemed to leave the loser laying halfway down the course!

The show seems to be called 'This Time Tomorrow'. Is that because that's the answer they give when contestants ask when they're going to be released?

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 04, 2017, 07:36:48 PM
I have to second that motion...but, I have to admit that I felt somewhat guilty watching those. All the contestants looked too young. I may just be having problems applying ages to Asian girls, or, simply being an old fart.

I did like them none-the-less and really wished we had stuff like that. It would probably be more interesting if I could understand the speech.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 05, 2017, 12:04:07 AM
I understand Dana, here's a funny story.

My ex and I were traveling to New York City and boarded an international flight on a layover. There is a Japanese girl in our row and she and my wife become instant BFF's. I'm thinking she has pretty bold parents to let a 14 year old travel this far from home by herself, but at least with the wife occupied I can take a nap in peace. We land and she offers us a ride into Manhattan, in her limo. Turns out she's 27 and a vice president at Osaka Bank. It's definitely us getting old.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 05, 2017, 12:43:38 AM
Hold on Fordman...let me stop laughing.

Ok...there we go. That's a great story! I'm sure all of the contestants were over age, but they seemed so young. I will admit, I am one hell of a dirty old man and would not hesitate at a chance with an eighteen year old. However, I would require three forms of ID, a sworn affidavit, and a witness; preferably a parent. Not because of fear of getting in trouble, but my steadfast morality of it being wrong. I'm just the kind of person that, should I see a great figure only to find out she looks too young...I feel guilty. I know, I'm strange.

Thanks for the hilarious story. That's great!

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: Steve Spandex on February 05, 2017, 08:44:09 PM
Quote from: ElectroPainLover on February 04, 2017, 07:36:48 PM
It would probably be more interesting if I could understand the speech.


Yes, but what they're saying is probably corny and cringe-inducingly trite. At least if you don't understand what's being said, you can fantasize and  let your mind run away with you, so that they can be saying whatever you want them to say.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 05, 2017, 10:24:38 PM
You definitely have a point there Steve. I will have to keep that in mind and try it. Thanks for the heads-up on how to make it even more enjoyable.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 06, 2017, 01:30:59 AM
Some of you may remember the classic American TV show Candid Camera. Install a hidden camera, set up some ridiculous situation and watch people's reactions. It was so popular the show was reproduced all over the world.

In this Italian version a woman is tied to a chair inside a small store and the camera waits for unsuspecting customers to walk in.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 06, 2017, 02:02:13 AM
Some real chivalrous people in Italy in the 60's or 70's, eh!? I guess Mussolini was still too fresh in their mind or the mafia had them scared.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 06, 2017, 05:29:58 AM
I notice with the customers who see the woman and start to leave, the store clerk, who is off camera, talks to them. In this case it would be interesting to know what is being said as he must be explaining why she is there.

Also, it's Italy. For a clue let's look at a leisure activity. They have renaissance faires like every other country in the world, but Italian women aren't satisfied sticking their head in a static pillory with a whole the size of Texas like in the States. This video shows the most popular attraction, for women, at the Italian events. Women line up for this as evidenced by the 1000's of videos like this one all over the internet.

They say every Italian man with a wife also has a mistress. Maybe the husbands are too busy with their mistresses to take care of business at home and faire operators provide this as a public service, or Italian woman are just extra kinky and the men need an assist. I don't know, but its hella fun to watch.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 06, 2017, 03:11:44 PM
Well...damn...I guess I need to get out and travel more.

Nice video Fordman. I will have to watch a few more.

I, too, wondered what the shop owner was saying to those he spoke to when they were turning and walking out.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 07, 2017, 01:04:47 AM
This guy is a former CIA agent (they can never tell you what they did at the agency so he could have worked in the mail room) who now gets paid by major corporations to teach a security class where he gets to tie up attractive female employees. (Good work if you can get it)

Here he is on Shark Tank getting a $150,000 investment to go around tying up attractive female employees. (Even better)
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 10, 2017, 03:50:58 AM
This English language UK commercial for Czech automaker Skoda highlights the huge cargo capacity of its compact 5 door sedan, there's plenty of room for a bound and gagged woman behind the lift gate.

If you enjoyed this and want to see other examples of bondage in advertising through the years and from around the world, there's more here.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 14, 2017, 02:54:12 AM
If you remember the TV show Night Court, you know Harry Anderson. Here is a bit from his early stand-up comedy days with his beautiful first wife Lesley (he introduces her as his future ex-wife) doing their escape challenge act. If you don't remember, watch anyway, he's funny.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 14, 2017, 02:36:49 PM
Thanks Fordman. I always liked Harry Anderson. Wow...his ex was a looker.

One item of note...anybody notice how when she sat down in the chair, unlike what an inexperienced person would do, notice how her feet went to the legs of the chair. Most would put their feet together. Hmmm.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 14, 2017, 10:53:14 PM
I noticed that also Dana. This was the best of several examples of that act on YouTube and they were all performed the same way even though different audience members were used each time. I think her position and tying the end of the rope to the chair leg in advance was used to control the way she was tied. I just wonder how many times Harry had to 'practice' that act with his wife?
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 15, 2017, 12:11:43 AM
Yeah...the lucky dog. :)  Hmmm, all done the same way...and to think I was almost saddened when I thought maybe it had been simply because of how many times the 'act' had been performed. (On stage I mean) :)
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 15, 2017, 05:56:12 AM
Another Italian Ren Faire find.

Super attractive redhead tries some medieval style punishment.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 15, 2017, 06:05:32 AM
Yes...very attractive Fordman. Thanks.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 17, 2017, 06:56:23 AM
The Dramatics: A Comedy

With a film as successful as 50 Shades, it doesn't take long for knock offs. In this Indy film, scripted as a romantic comedy, Kat Foster (Weeds) plays a struggling actress who scores the role of a lifetime in a mini-series adaptation of a best-selling erotic chick lit novel (could it be 50 Shades?) and her stoner boyfriend has to deal with her getting all kinky with her male lead. Here is the official trailer.

Kat is no stranger to kink, in Weeds the favorite past time, after getting high, was getting kinky.
Here is the best scene from Weeds if you missed it.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: TeaSer on February 17, 2017, 04:36:59 PM
As I was directed to this by some of the links - do enjoy this as well (
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 17, 2017, 05:08:31 PM
Ok TeaSer...I think you found one that Trash Girl will be very excited over.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 17, 2017, 06:45:25 PM
Great find, thanks TeaSer.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 19, 2017, 03:23:50 AM
Okay, this isn't a video, but it's still funny. This illustrated book on the history of Mother's Day describes the tradition in parts of Yugoslavia in words and art. I imagine many of us would be preparing for that holiday all year.

And if your mom looked anything like Yugoslavian model Olya Ivanisevic, you hit the lottery.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 23, 2017, 12:03:20 AM
Female writing coach demonstrates for her bloggers how a heroine might get out of a tight spot.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 24, 2017, 02:45:04 AM
Shawna and Tally are new YouTubers, I believe from South Africa, who use their channel to talk about subjects of interest to them. In this video they are interested in the movie 50 Shades, and decide to try rope bondage on each other for the first time on camera, while watching an instructional bondage video.

Step 1: Go to a department store and ask for bondage rope.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on February 24, 2017, 03:09:16 AM
Looks to me like a couple of women who would be better off being taught in person rather than trying to learn rope bondage off the net.

Funny video Fordman, thanks.

Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on February 28, 2017, 01:45:58 AM
These two ladies from Germany are performance artists, and really into bondage. Bunny gets tied up in unusual places to test public tolerance. Here they are in a Starbucks in Berlin. No one seemed to care.

Here they are again on a commercial airline flight. The flight attendant doesn't stop them.

They have also done this in a shopping mall, Irish Pub and subway tunnel.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on March 05, 2017, 12:26:02 AM
Short comedy film by students at a university in New Delhi, India. Actors speak in Hindi, but if you're familiar with Rick Springfield's song Jessie's Girl you know what's going on here. Guy covets friend's girl. Guy hogties and gags girl to convince her of his undying love. Guy removes gag, girl tells guy how turned on she is by his manly treatment. Guy unties girl for sex, girl smacks guy upside the head with a Cricket bat instead.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on March 15, 2017, 02:25:20 AM
These 2 Italian guys make videos pranking unsuspecting citizens. In this one they talk people into handcuffs to show them a trick which doesn't work, and then they act clueless about how to get them off.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: ElectroPainLover on March 15, 2017, 02:27:44 PM
Good videos Fordman. Of the four you posted since my last comment, I think the German women are the best and the airplane one the best of all. I liked the look on the flight attendants face and his reaction, plus, she was quite tied. Starbucks wasn't bad but too short.

The students video, she only had her hands 'wrapped' in the ropes like she twisted them in herself.

The 'magic cuffs' video was good. However, if you look, the first woman (in black top and shorts) to be cuffed in front...they forgot to take the keys off of the chain and you can see them dangling when she tried to 'flick' the cuffs off. Looks like they remembered to remove the keys on the others.

Again, nice videos. Thanks.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on March 16, 2017, 12:06:55 AM
Thanks for the comments Dana. You're observations are correct, and that's what made the videos funny to me.

In the student video, even though the bondage wasn't real she could have sat on the sofa with her hands in front, just like they do it in a big budget TV show with overpaid actors, but she chose to hold herself in a tight hogtie position instead. The rigger may have been incompetent but she showed some acting sense.

After the handcuff trick doesn't work and the guys give up, the first girl keeps trying to flip the cuffs open, like it's going to work THIS time. The fact that the key is hanging on the chain doesn't even enter her mind, at least not during the part that's shown.

Today's videos are from a Czech restaurant that holds a medieval dinner theater. After the dancing women, fire eaters, jugglers and a sword fight comes the big finish. They grab a woman from the audience for the inquisition. Of course it's all done in fun.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on March 18, 2017, 03:00:08 AM
Oh those fun loving Germans.

Germany has become the world leader in printing, and providing properly trained employees requires a creative internship program. Upon completion, the graduation ceremony must be equally creative. Cap and gown, boring. Rope and a public fountain, that's the ticket!
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on April 10, 2017, 03:47:59 AM
Meet Dotty. A paltry 800 subscribers isn't enough to get YouTube to pay her to make videos, so she wants to drive more viewers to her channel. Dotty has her boyfriend bind her in duct tape so she can escape on camera, which seems like a good idea.

He tries to warn her she may not get out, but Dotty is having none of that negative nonsense. He doesn't want to tape her mouth either but she insists.

Dotty's boyfriend is a little better with the tape than she anticipated and after a minute or so she tries to give up through her tape gag, but Dotty's BF is not helping, he's following the directions he got while it still seemed like a good idea, so she falls back on the tried-and-true tactic of blaming the guy, "you made it too tight." Dotty gets out eventually, but she may have a few bruises.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on May 13, 2017, 05:22:54 AM
Here is another couple trying to become YouTube stars, and like many others, they have discovered tying someone up can really boost viewership. Unfortunately, he decides to duct tape his girlfriend outside on the deck of their second floor apartment and the neighbors call the police.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on May 27, 2017, 03:52:23 AM
Grace, Hannah, and Mamrie take getting together for a meal seriously. Watch as they prepare tacos while tied hand and foot to each other.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: 64Fordman on August 06, 2017, 06:58:38 PM
In this video, three lovely Greek ladies, Antigoni, Pelagia and Donna, are asked to participate in a virtual reality experience. They are taken on a tour of a creepy asylum while tied to office chairs that appear as wheel chairs pushed by a nurse in the video. Fortunately the video has subtitles, even though screaming in Greek is pretty funny too.
Title: Re: Funny Video
Post by: MaxRoper on November 15, 2017, 08:33:26 PM
Not a "Funny Video" but definitely worth a look: