Plaza Forum

Chastity => Chastity Discussion => Topic started by: ElectroPainLover on December 22, 2016, 05:28:54 PM

Question: How long have you remained chaste within a Chastity device?
Option 1: One to Twenty-four Hours. votes: 1
Option 2: Between Two to Six Days. votes: 3
Option 3: One Week. votes: 2
Option 4: Half a Month. votes: 1
Option 5: A Month or Longer. votes: 4
Title: Longest Time Chaste?
Post by: ElectroPainLover on December 22, 2016, 05:28:54 PM
What's the longest duration you have been unable to access your assets? Do you or your partner prevent you from touching your genitalia for short periods or long durations? Please comment about your favorite device and how long you have been in it.
Title: Re: Longest Time Chaste?
Post by: ElectroPainLover on December 22, 2016, 05:38:30 PM
Currently I have two male chastity devices. One attempts to prevent an erection by its size. The other allows for an erection but is painful by its design when length and girth are brought to life. Both use urethra tubes though the small one's is removable. The torture device's tube is not. Both allow the glans to be accessible and can become quite maddening as it rubs against things but nothing can be done.

I have made it one week in each of them. Sleeping is the worst part as the non-torturous one has a proclivity for pinching tender skin where the device's two parts lock together. The torturous device really becomes apparent when the morning "I gotta pee" erection decides to try and get my attention.

I hope to try for longer someday, but for now, I have only been able to make it a full week.

Title: Re: Longest Time Chaste?
Post by: loras pa6 on December 27, 2016, 03:17:04 AM
I started out with a Modified CB-6000 (Stock Rings do not fit me).

However my "I gotta pee erection" as you put it would repeatedly crack the plastic tube at the seam, either causing painful pinching if partially broken, or falling off if fully split. At that point we got a Locking Birdcage style, while not as secure in the accessibility (I could not escape, but I could stimulate between the metal rods) the open bars would not split when I was engorged. I would be allowed to change over to this overnight.

Now I have a Stainless Steel CB-6000 style upgrade that I use with my original Modified CB-6000 Ring. I usually wake at least once during the night due to pee erections, but there is no chance of splitting
Title: Re: Longest Time Chaste?
Post by: ElectroPainLover on December 28, 2016, 03:15:08 PM
Hey Loras Pa,

Never used a CB-6000. Have looked at them but never bought one. I have looked at Gates of Hell also. Both mine are stainless and fit a bit loose around the securing ring but have not been able to be removed, just move quite a bit when wearing them long term. They slip down but won't come off. I have to readjust them in the morning when wearing them over night.

My torture chastity device is: ( and my other is similar to the CB-6000 but slightly different. I think my next chastity device will be something like this: (

Title: Re: Longest Time Chaste?
Post by: christian54 on October 23, 2021, 08:41:08 AM
 Sidste sommer startede min 14 dages ferie med at min pik og nosser blev bundet stramt ind med 3 meter reb, som efter indpakningen blev trukket bagud og gennem min røv så pikken var trukket helt tilbage og rebet blev så ført omkring mit bryst og til sidst blev resten af rebet bundet om nosserne.

Efter opbindingen blev et stålbur samt omkring mine opbundne nosser og pikken og låst fast med en hængelås så jeg ikke kunne lege med mig selv, og jeg lagde så nøglerne til hængelåsen i en skuffe og tog 14 dage på ferie, hvor jeg ikke kunne komme fri af hverken bur eller reb.

Da de 14 dage var gået kom jeg hjem fra en hård ferie og låste stålburet af og befriede min pik og nosser fra det dejlige stramme ferie reb.

Det er en ferie jeg aldrig glemmer, og jeg gør det gerne igen næste ferie