While it's not exactly in line with this sub-forum, I thought you guys might like seeing it anyway.
This guy has developed / is developing this:
http://techomebuilder.com/emagazine-articles-1/iphone-can-live (http://techomebuilder.com/emagazine-articles-1/iphone-can-live)
No compactor ram or refuse collection is mentioned though ;)
Thanks Sealed4good for posting this link.
I agree the addition of a compactor ram or refuse collection would be a selling point of such a home. Perhaps he should have consulted this group first !
I disagree with his conclusion that no one would want to live in a dumpster (with its own air-con), for there are hundreds in this group. However, 132 F sounds rather hot for a home. But he did chose to live in Texas where it is rather warm. Perhaps if he had chosen to locate the dumpster in Siberia, he might not have needed to install the air-con unit !
I also wonder whether he got mail delivered to his dumpster home, or just other people's black trash bags......
I doubt whether it had an internet connection, so he probably has not found the Plaza yet.
Says Daffy in his 360 litre black wheelie bin.