Author Topic: Fantasy by Masterxlove  (Read 18821 times)

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Fantasy by Masterxlove
« on: February 19, 2016, 10:51:43 am »

This is a story about a hot horny woman, Claudia, getting anonymous instructions to be followed up and filmed as well.
Instruction 1
Requirements: tiny rope, rope with hooks 2 piece; bal gag, vibrator ( no batteries), nipple clamps, small loose chain connected to the clamps nipple vacuum set, 2 candles, scarf,
Table upside down, electrical timer, magnet electric controlled, power box analog incl spring, 2 steel plates with rings, 2 ring which can be screwed in the table, duct tape,. 4 web cams.

Before start first switch on the 4 cam’s and add the vacuum set to your nips to make them as long and sensitive as possible. Set up the magnet to the timer and set the time on 1 hour and add the metal plate with the 2 rings on each side.
Then you need to arrange he table upside down and sit in doggy style; fix your ankles with scarfs on the 2 table pools. The vibrator to be so arranged with duct tape around your legs that it touches your clit. Pu the power box tight on the table platform in front of you.
Connect the rope to the power box so if you pull the rope against the spring force, the vibrator will start working. The harder you pull the rope the faster the vibrator will go. Screw the rings on the position where your tits are a little to the side of your body. Connect the rope from the power box  through the rings on the table to the nipple clamps and test if the position of when you put the clamps onto your nipples your back is in horizontal position. If you lift your back up the rope will activate the power box.
Now get ready. Connect the small chains on the clamps and position the candles below the chains. Light up the candles. Put on your bal gag. Take the vacuum set of your nipples and add the nipple clamps. Arrange the ropes around the other poles of the table and hook them to the metal plate on the magnet. Lead the ropes around the poles of the table ad fix them in your hands. Please remember with the 4 cams I will watch you and will punish you when you not fulfill the hour set by the timer.
No you have the choice to push up your back to get the vibrator functioning or have the loose end chain touch the flames of the candle and heat up your nipples. Enjoy

Claudia is a good looking woman 1.75 tall firm breast with a good set of nips (she likes to punish them and almost can get orgasm when playing them hard). Her pussy nicely shaved and if in the mood will be dripping wet. She has been in self bondage around 5 years now and plays herself to the max every week if there is no other activity. She works as a receptionist in local law firm and gets a lot of attention from males and male colleagues and visitors.
But nobody would expect this naughty desire from her.

Wow I am already getting wet. With my nipples pulling making me come has been a long time fantasy. I wonder how this guy can get the movies shot with the 4 cams. But there are many hackers around and maybe he is one of them. Anyhow I like to have movie if myself in bondage so give it a try.
Today is Wednesday and I ll arrange this session for Saturday evening time enough to prepare myself in all details. As I don’t have the timer, the magnetic lock, metal plate, rings and the power box, I better go to the shop direct after work today. The other parts I already have and used them several times before in my bondage sessions.
On my way in the car to office I started to fantasize about my coming session already and wondered how many times I could come and what the feeling would be if i could not stand the pulling on my nipples and got the heat from the candle fire. It made already horny and my pussy dripping. Need to change my mind to driving. But during work I could not stay away from thinking and even touched my nips and pussy a couple of times. OMG I wished it was Saturday night. After work I rushed to the local hardware store to buy my stuff and luckily I had a help and skill full sales guy quickly arranging the items and giving clear instruction about how to connect the timer to the magnet and how to connect 4 web cams to my computer. Luckily he did not ask why and for what purpose I needed it. Back home I arrange a quick dinner and went to my special play room to see in what way I could arrange the set up and where to put the 4 webcams. I could not resist to pull my tits out and put my clover clamps on my nips and ouch what a good feeling. My pussy already soaking wet and with a few quick strokes with my finger over my clit even in my panties I came already. wow.
Shit Claudia I thought I better leave this to Saturday.
The table I placed in the middle of my play room. I positioned myself in doggy style and marked the position for the magnet and for the hooks. As well I arranged the ropes and the scarf’s and placed the 2 candles under my tits and took the size for the loose end chains.
The web cams could be positioned with 2 on higher position with a clamp on the table poles and 2 on lower position.
Tomorrow I will arrange the connections and see if I can get it working and how I look like a horny self bondage slut on my computer screen
Tired but satisfied I took a shower and went to bed early.
The next day nothing special happened at the office but I noticed I was getting more and more exited.
Thursday I went out with some friends for dinner and had nice chit chats and a good time and went to bed around 11 and had no time to do the further installation. Then tomorrow I ll do I thought and went to sleep.
Friday morning there was not much to do in the office and I checked privately the instruction from this guy again. Shit it thought I even can use my own hand cuffs connecting to the rope to the magnet so I don’t t need to hold the ropes my hands but place my hands on back with the handcuffs on and place the ropes on my hand cuffs around the poles tot the magnet. Anyhow the magnet will be released by the timer so I don’t need to worry about the hand cuff’s keys. The ideas made my nips already hard and my pussy wet. What a horny slut I am. My colleagues don’t have a clue what I am doing hahaha.
After work my colleagues invited me for a drink but I apologized and drove home.
At home I first prepared a nice dinner with a glass of wine and after went to my playroom and put the heather on for some preparations. I first arranged all the connections from the web cams to my computer and arranged the timer to be set on 5 minutes to see if the magnet plate would come loose. Wow what a horny rehearsal and I took of all my cloths and made my nipples rock hard with my fingers. Tomorrow you will be tested I said to myself. I put myself in doggy position and looked to my laptop screen how I looked and adjusted the 4 cams in such a way I could get from 1 lower a close up of my nips and the other one for my pussy, the other 2 for my whole body. Should I also add a blind fold?? Mmmah lets decide later on.
After 5 minutes the timer did switch off the magnets so that was working properly.
I put the nipples clamps on and check if the length o the loose chains were indeed long enough to touch the flame of the candles. That’s also fixed. Then how to position the vibrator to make sure it would touch my clit. This gave my some thinking and I decided to put my leather thong on and put the vibrator between thong and my clit to see if indeed the results were as expected. Yes this was a better way than adding the duct tape as I was not sure the duct tape could last for 1 hour
I thought it was enough for the day and removed the clamps and rub my sore and sensitive nips and sensed my pussy already mega wet.
Wow this will be a very good time tomorrow evening.
I decided to check the videos made by the 4 cams and was delighted with the result.
I downloaded a program to be able to move the made vids in to 1 bigger screen and the other 3 vids on the side and with the mouse so could easily change to the video I would like to see more bigger.
I looked really like a very horny slut on the screen and could not resist playing my nips with my left hand and touching my pussy with the other. Wow I never had been so wet before. The moisture was simply dripping on my thighs.
How about also arranging breast rope bondage tomorrow as well I thought. That will make my nips even more sensitive, but then my tits cannot go the side and the cords will pull them to the direction of the hooks in the table and they will not be that pointy, so I decided not to do that this time.
I d love to see the pull result with not bound breast first.

I d called it a day and cleaned up all and went to bed for a good night sleep.
Tomorrow the D day is coming and I need to be fresh.

Saturday I woke up around 11 and it was a beautiful day with a lot of sunshine.
I decided to take breakfast first and then go for a run in my sexiest outfit with no bra to prepare my tits and nips already. My house is on the outskirts of the small village and close to a forest where not many people are coming. My garden is closed off with a nice fence and on the south and many times I have enjoyed the sunshine naked. I did have a shower, although cold water only, arranged in the garden and that would cool me down after the running.

I decided to go to the north entrance in the forest and then come back making a loop inside which would take around 1 hour. On the way there were several places where I could do some stretching and fitness exercises. I took a small water bottle and some snacks with me.
After 25 min running I started sweating a lot and my white top was wet and made my tits and nips clearly visible through the wet fabric. As well my pants were wet and my camel toe pussy was also clearly visible. OMG if I would meet someone from the office or other friends they would not believe their eyes I thought.
5 minutes later I ended up at the first exercise spot and I stopped sipping some water and could not resist pinching my rock hard nipples. MMMMaaah that felt really good.
I make several stretches and 10 pushups and 25 belly exercises. This feels really well.

Maybe in the coming days I can do also some outdoor bondage it thought. Binding myself naked to a tree
With my tits rubbing against the tree and have a small branch between my legs to rub my pussy against.
As well spank myself with some bush branches. Wow the idea made my horny and I decided to work that idea out later on.
Also surfing on the web, I had watched woman playing outside herselves with nettles and she seemed to enjoy that very much. I really need to try out if my body would enjoy that stinging feeling I thought.
Also I had read about woman doing all crazy things, dildo and anal plugs inserted; nipple clamped and partly tied up walking through the forest. This can be the next thing to do when the weather keeps being this beautiful the coming weeks I thought.
What a dirty mind I have.

After finishing the exercise I ran home and went in to the garden stripping of my clothes but before making a selfie with my phone to keep the picture of myself with clearly visible tits and pussy through my clothes. I took the cold shower and felt great and decide to rest on the couch naked and give my naked body a tan.

I fell asleep and woke up around 4 o clock having a nice tan and took a cold shower again because it was very hot. The water makes me shiver but clearly awake. I remembered the dream in this afternoon nap, having me blindfolded in the forest, spanking myself with nettles and rubbing my nipples and tits with the nettles and ending up masturbating laying frontal in a bed of nettles. Wow I am getting more and more dirty.
I dried myself up and go for some snacks and some glass of cold dry white wine to get in to the correct mood already for my super hot session later.

At 5 o clock  I made up my mind to arrange 2 sessions 1 shorter one without the hand cuffs and blind fold and then rest a while and go for the real one.

I go to my playroom putting on my leather thong and placing the vibrator I position.
The arranging the scarf’s around my ankles and tightened my ankles to the poles. Sitting upright I set the timer on 10 minutes and arrange the metal plate in position. I switch on the laptop and activate the 4 web cams. So far all ready to go. I lit on the 2 candles and placed them right under my tits. Wow that is hot the flames already make my tits warm. I put the nipple clamps on and adjust the ropes in such way that the powerbox was activated just a little when the chains did not touch the flames.
On all fours oooooh this feels really good and I am getting mega horny. I switch the vibrator on and arrange the ropes from my hands to the metal plate on the magnet and turn the ropes around my wrists so I cannot easily loose them.
Even without pulling the clamps my somewhat sunburned nips are in pain but that pain I enjoy very much. I push my back up and my stretched nips activated the power box and the vibrator stat buzzing and vibrating at a higher speed.
mmmmmmah I like to come but need to wait ooooh what a good feeling. Yes there my orgasm comes and is move my back even more up stretched my poor nipples to the max and wooooow my exploding orgasm sets in.
I release my back and forget that the chains are now touching the flame s giving a direct heat burst to my poor sore sensitive nips. This gives me insane pleasure. I push back up again and my nips pull the rope to the powerbox to reach maximum setting.
My nips are burning with pain because the spring force on the power box is rather high to reach max setting but what a pleasure. The second orgasm comes within a couple of minutes. Again I lower my back and the chain gets heat up again giving me sweltering nipple pain. My poor nipples hardly can stand it anymore and swaying from left to right puling my nips an tits to all kind of position. Click there the magnet releases and I free my hands first, get upright and blow out the candles. Then release the nipple clamps first, Ough that hurts like hell and I rub my poor nips to get the blood circulated again. I switch of the vibrator, take of the scarf’s from my legs and stand up from my place to sit on the chair still shivering from pain, after orgasm and excitement. Wow what a session. Let me have a look to the movie after another glass of wine.
Adjusting my laptop I am watching myself in my instructor’s creation. Oh my god my tits are really pointy and my face show pure lust and excitement. I never heard myself coming but this will turn on even 90 year old nuns and monks hahaha.
Although this session only took 10 minutes it was really tough and how can my nips stand 1 hour.
Shall I really do this? I have had nipple clamps for maximum 15 min on before and never 1 hour.
Come on slutty Claudia you can do this and you will enjoy every pain moment and orgasm.
Let me have more enjoyment and insert my dildo as well for this session

I sip from my wine smiling and feeling really good. My nips are burning still with pleasure and my pussy is wetter than ever. My leather thong cannot keep the juices in place.
It s now close to 7 and my body has recovered and I decide to set myself up for the final 1 hour session.

Oh I forgot to use the vacuum set on my nips in the first short session and take the set and pumps first the left nipple into the tube. A few more pumps to get it really deep in and then the right nipple. This stretching feels good. Let me leave this for a while and get them long and sensitive. I rearrange the laptop setting and make sure I have sufficiently memory available for the webcams for 1 hour.
Now need to insert the dildo in my pussy which is smoothly going in and making me feel filled up
Here the vibrator again on my clit in my leather thong wet from my pussy juice
I arrange the scarf’s again on my ankles and light up the candles. Now need to take off the vacuum set from my nips . Slowly pull the tube of my left nipple and plop there it is. Long full with blood and have a nice ring mark from the tube around. Now the right one . Yeah there it is as well. I put the clamps on. mmamamamamah this hurts but feels good at the same time. Now adjust the ropes so that my back is even lower then before and the loose end chain is in the flames. I need to hurry and getting my nips already super hot from the chains. I put my blind fold on and I arrange the ropes first to the magnet plates pull the rope through my hand cuffs and placing may arms on my back. Ooogh need to come up to have my nips not bunt but now am feeling the nipple pain form the clamps. I manage to close the steel handcuffs and the session and push my back up to have the powerbox activated.
My nips are protesting heavily but maaha I feel the head of the vibrator pushing to my clit and want to come instantly. But shit ah I forgot to switch on the vibrator. This will be a long hour. How could I be so stupid.
I can push my clit to the vibrator head but this will put more stretching on my nipples. Luckily I have inserted the dildo so move my back like a swimmer constantly stretching my nips to push the vibrator head to my clit and going down the chain into the flames. Sweat rubs around my body and I feel the dildo moving inside my mega wet pussy. more and more and faster and faster . yeah  there I am coming wooooow mamaamh what goood feeling. My body shivers from pain and excitement and my legs wobble. Ouch I touch the flames too long giving heat strokes to my sore nips. Maah what a pain and what an excitement. Its difficult to have my body balanced now because my arms are hand cuffed on my back. And I need to find balance between stretching my nips or getting them burned. I go for the second orgasm more and harder harder harder . oh my nips are exploding and makes me hornier and hornier. My pussy sucks in the dildo and my clit finds the vibrator head. Yeah more more more woooooow I come and scream like hell. My tits are swaying with my back from one side to the other pulling insane on the nipple clamps. My legs tremble and I lose my balance and fall with my tits on the candles having my poor clamped nipples putting out the flames and have them inside the hot wax. Ooooough this hurts like hell like never before. The wax also covers my tits now and make them red hot. I lay now on my side and manage to rub off my blindfold. Sweat is dripping in my eyes and my arms hurts from the metal hand cuffs. Luckily I have the key on the side so I just can get the key and remove the hand cuffs. Then no first release the clamps from my wax covered nipples. Ooooooh this hurt s but feels soo good. Still laying I move my hands to my pussy and switch the vibrator on keeping it to my clit and come again woooooooow.
I look to the laptop screen and only 30 minutes have passed. Woooow this is pain full but also great and never before I have had such intense orgasms and so endured so much nipple pain. I cannot wear a bra for a long time or have them touched.
Sorry instructor I could not stand the 1 hour but it was a great pleasure.
Waiting for your new instructions.


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