Author Topic: Subterranean Sally by Wingco  (Read 6213 times)

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Subterranean Sally by Wingco
« on: December 23, 2015, 10:41:21 am »
You can view the story here on the plaza:
Solo-F; M/f; coffin; steel; cuffs; collar; dress; heels; gag; bfold; mask; bond; encase; enclosed; intubate; buried; concrete; sealed; video; tease; cons; X
M/f; MF/f; MF+/f; bond; cuffs; collar; gag; bfold; xframe; cage; latex; trip; expo; public; display; show; machine/f; tease; kiss; FF; cons; X
MF/f; M/f; M+/f+; bond; cuffs; gag; bfold; coffin; cage; cuffs; collar; dress; heels; mask; encase; enclosed; intubate; buried; concrete; sealed; video; stuck; punish; cons/reluct; XX
MF/f; FF; F/f; coffin; cage; buried; concrete; sealed; retrieval; bond; cuffs; gag; bfold; collar; dress; heels; mask; encase; enclosed; cons; X

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