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New Search Engine

Started by Gromet, May 13, 2018, 12:03:00 AM

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I like people to try out the experimental search engine for the plaza and leave comments here.

Title search - does it need one?
Author Search - check out your favorite authors.
Include/exclude storycodes - try them out, do we have too many (3000)  :o

Is there something else you wish to see added?

This is just a trial version and we need your feedback.  8)

Thanks  ;)


Wow. Looks pretty good at giving users a fairly robust menu of possible search criteria. I would have to say "Yes" though to including the Title search. that let's people include a keyword type of criteria outside of the storycodes that you have. (and that is a LOT of storycodes!)


A title search would be helpful to those who are searching for specific ones. There may be those who have been referred to the site in search of a specific tale.


I typed in selfbondage in the include storycode box and nothing happened


Just tried the search engine, worked perfectly.

Here's a tip, when searching for story codes, be sure to use an actual story code. solo-F or solo-M would be the codes for selfbondage. Check the story code list before searching if unsure.


Yes selfbondage is more a tag than a storycode, the storycodes have been added to the stories for a number of years now and you can find the list here: The link is also on the top of every tile/author/main page too.

There will be a clear up of the storycodes happening, I'm currently reviewing the 3000 we currently have.

The more feedback we have the better.


The feature looks very nice, however I have some suggestions for improvements:

  • Don't use debug output on a production site. Someone might try to exploit bugs using leaking SQL statements. And for those, that don't know what it is, it is irritating.
  • Create a possibility to search storycodes via regular expressions. Although not many will use it, for those who can it is really nice and should not a big deal to implement.
  • Implement pagination (or at least an option to increase the number of results shown)
  • Implement options to sort search results (alphabetically, per site, per date, ...)

But it really is a long-awaited feature, so I'm incredible happy it is available. ;)
Good Job!


I love it! extremely useful and easy to use when I needed to go searching for something. Thank you!
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.


This might just be me.

But if I get say 137 results and it says "showing the first 100", I don't see any actual way to display the rest. There's no page button or anything.


Quote from: Theruler on August 13, 2018, 02:05:44 PM
But if I get say 137 results and it says "showing the first 100", I don't see any actual way to display the rest. There's no page button or anything.

Yes, that was by design - I couldn't see the point in loading page after page of search results? It makes sense if you only show a few results per page (e.g. Google) but if you can't find something in the first 100 results, then you probably want to narrow down the search to return fewer stories?

At least that was my thinking. What do other people think?


Well the way I use it is to just get a sampling of stories I like, I'm not searching for anything specific.

So yea I'd like to be able to see them all, because there's 137 stories matching my search criteria so 137 stories I might like.

I mean with google you are searching for the correct link. With this I'm searching stories I'd like. Those last 37 meet the same criteria as the first 100.


I'm not sure how making a search engine works, but I would like to suggest the one from another site I read on. has probably my favorite search engine under the advance search.  It allows someone to check/select from a huge range of codes. Something similar might help get the main choices (M/F,etc.) selected, then they could read the results for smaller choices (items used). Just a suggestion.


Jup, the one in BDSM library also gives you page after page of stuff to see.

It's just easy. Say you want to see only f/f stories. That doesn't mean you're looking for a specific story or even want to narrow it down anymore. You just put F/f as the only search criteria and browse like that.


Quote from: Unajet on August 15, 2018, 02:52:15 AM
I'm not sure how making a search engine works, but I would like to suggest the one from another site I read on. has probably my favorite search engine under the advance search.  It allows someone to check/select from a huge range of codes. Something similar might help get the main choices (M/F,etc.) selected, then they could read the results for smaller choices (items used). Just a suggestion.

Many thanks for all the feedback & suggestions - please keep them coming! advanced search has got some good features, and I quite like the "tag cloud" on GaggedUtopia, so I'd like to have a search page that combines the best bits of both of those, but without overwhelming the user with a huge page of tags or tick boxes.


Quote from: Theruler on August 13, 2018, 04:32:18 PM
Well the way I use it is to just get a sampling of stories I like, I'm not searching for anything specific.

So yea I'd like to be able to see them all, because there's 137 stories matching my search criteria so 137 stories I might like.

Thanks, it is really useful to know how people use the search  :)

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