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The Special Gift by Gromet

Started by Gromet, January 08, 2018, 03:12:04 PM

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You can view the story here on the plaza:
(Part One re-edited)
Solo-F; F/f; M+/f; machine/f; gift; doll; factory; naked; measure; suit; tease; arousal; silicone; encase; process; inspected; barcode; crate; shipped; transported; discovery; sexdoll; objectify; stuck; anal; oral; sex; denial; climax; cons; X
M+/f; gift; dollsuit; silicone; dollified; encase; sexdoll; objectify; stuck; mind-alter; clean; stored; used; owned; anal; denial; climax; cons; X
M+/f; dollsuit; silicone; dollified; objectified; stuck; used; mind-alter; mind-control; program; owned; hide; crate; straps; truck; transport; sex; denial; climax; cons; X
M+/f; FM; dollsuit; silicone; dollified; objectified; stuck; mind-alter; mind-control; program; discovery; sexdoll; used; crate; truck; transport; cabin; sex; oral; anal; climax; cons; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks  ;)


Love the story so far.   Really hope there's additional chapters!!!


Great story, I believe we think a like about a lot of things, thanks for writing it.
Keep your mind in the gutter and your woman locked up tight.


Loved the story, anonymously objectified one of my favorite themes. It would of course be a terrible shame if the doll were to be shipped someplace else in stead of back to the factory when it's weekend of fun was over. Could Maggie back at the factory have a nefarious little side business going on, perhaps redirecting especially nice dolls to new owners in distant places who would appreciate them, and obviously pay dearly for them at the same time? Could they instead put her on display in a store window and sell her off as a very realistic mannequin?

I could also see some level of reprogramming of the doll's mind, she/it perhaps turning into a permanent doll, either by accident, or design, in either case it repurposed in a host of ways once this becomes known to it's handlers.

Thanks for sharing, Jackie.


Please tell me there is going to be a continuation!


I can't wait until Stevie and Janice get to the cabin, all alone with no interruptions, and nothing to stop Stevie from trying out every kink he can imagine with what he believes is a replica of a taboo woman he has the hots for. Men can be depraved souls though, and without any watching "human" eyes, nor moral human consequences, that depravity could run very deep and wide.

What would seem unfathomable on Monday could turn into "that was awesome" by Thursday, I envisioning Janice eventually strung up and suspended wrist and ankle between four trees for easier access in the woods someplace, and possibly even shared up at the cabin during a big party as a strung up interactive naked party decoration. Could one of Stevie's buddies even steal Janice for a night or two, the guys in general all having the very reasonable desire to have a Janice of their own?

Might Stevie even discover the truth behind the Janice doll himself, and for obvious reasons not share that with his good friend so that he can continue to have that which is not his to have?

I loved the story, and the possibilities, thanks for sharing, Jackie. 


Is there going to be a continuation??? I keep checking back here and in deviantart but nothing yet.


It's been a number of years, but this story really needs to be continued. Please!!!

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