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Cuckold by Jackie Rabbit

Started by 64Fordman, October 25, 2016, 04:05:43 AM

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Part One: Cuckold
Storycodes: FM/m; M/f; naked; outdoors; bond; rope; gag; bfold; cuckold; creampie; denial; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X

Part Two: Ken's Birthday Gift
Storycodes: M/f; MF/m; M+/f; packaged; box; doll; bond; rope; cuffs; susp; cuckold; pet; kennel; oral; sex; group; cons; X

Part Three: Surprise Gift Box
Storycodes: F/m; M/f; D/s; bdsm; crate; packaged; bond; delivered; cuckold; oral; mast; sex; cons; X

Part Four: Dog Show
Storycodes: MF/m; M/f; M+/f; D/s; pet; outdoors; photo; blackmail; latex; dogsuit; group; frottage; oral; sex; cons/reluct; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story. Thanks.


That is truly a bunch of shibboleth , phrases and prejudices about "cuckold"! A marriage boil down to "cuckold sex" and nothing more is only a coexistence by a slut wife and a mentally ill person!!
So even its a fantasy it have to be believable! A piece of good advice: Beat the idiot called "friend" up or someone else do the work (money talks) and divorce the slut! Or don't let it get to that point in the first place.

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