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Story about new neighbour with intriguing furniture

Started by teanndaorsa, June 23, 2016, 11:43:10 PM

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Hi folks, I remember a story from a long while ago, probably not on the Plaza or other modern sites, where the setup was that of a young guy, helping a girl move into his apartment complex. When having a drink with her as a reward, he notes an unusual wooden frame and comments on it. The girl plays it off as something the old tenant (or maybe her roommate) left behind and that she doesn't know what it's used for, and the guy suggests it might be for kinky stuff. Once he gets himself locked in it, she reveals that she knows fine well what it's for because it's hers. I can't quite remember where exactly it goes from there, but I don't believe it was a particularly long story.

Trouble is it's quite hard to search for as all the terms are really pretty common (neighbour, frame, roommate, bondage, etc.) So I'm hoping it triggers someone's memory here and they can either point me in the right direction, or remember any more details about it that might aid in the searching.


Bumping this, as someone reminded me of it again the other day.

Might have been on Reds Realm or Usenet, as I'm sure it was in the late nineties / early noughties I read it.

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