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A Hot Job by Miss Fortune

Started by Gromet, May 31, 2016, 05:15:04 AM

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Sbf; latex; straps; greenhouse; hood; gag; bfold; breasts; machine; flogger; F/f; caught; revenge; punish; sunburn; spank; cons/nc; X

Please feel free to leave your kind comments & feedback here about this story.

Thanks   ;)


Hot story, really. I just wondered about the "happy end" for the bad girl, who understands the error of her ways. She didn't look like it at the beginning.

Miss Fortune

Thank you for your feedback!

Yes, the happy ending might seem a little off, maybe a mismatch to the rest of the story. The ending I originally had in mind wasn't quite as nice. Carla did end up getting a job, but she didn't change. When I wrote the story, though, that ending somehow turned into a nicer one. What may have happened was that the second encounter she had, the one with Jillian, was sufficiently "impactful" to get her to reevaluate herself!  ;)


Love the story. I think the ending you have here works better, IMHO. Although now that both of them are working at the same company and Jillian knows the condition of Carla's tush and top, that could led to an interesting situation. Perhaps even Amber or Jillian wait to (try to) catch her again and do it to her again. Which walks around any precautions against this Carla might have taken (if any). If there is a part 2, I look forward to that one too! Good job!
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.

Miss Fortune

Thanks! I hadn't thought of trying to continue this one, but maybe. I'll have to let it "simmer" for a while and see!  :D

A Pensive Pen

Read this a couple weeks ago, don't know why I didn't comment then, but this story was a lot of fun. You seem to really like to "pile it on" with your characters, not that I'm complaining  ;D . At least this time there was no conniving cat to make things even worse.

I like the way you use dramatic irony in your stories, and definitely look forward to your next series of unfortunate events!

Miss Fortune

Thanks, I appreciate your comments! The dramatic irony actually isn't intentional - the stories just seem to sort of come out that way sometimes! :)

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