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What's the difference?

Started by Delilah Winston, May 31, 2016, 03:28:54 AM

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Delilah Winston

I know both are run by Gromet, but are BoundStories and Gromet's Plaza two separate communities? Or is there any overlapping?

I've considered posting some material on the forums since my submissions apparently are no longer being accepted for BoundStories, for reasons I still don't understand, but I've given up trying to push the issue. Before the forum crash, people had suggested I post the material on these forums, so I figure that's my best option.

Which board should I use? The "Bondage Stories" forum or the "Your Bondage Stories" forum?

(If these SHOULD be obvious, please pardon me, I've never really been active on these forums before. I have to learn its particular etiquette from the ground up.)

Also, do these boards parse HTML? My work is also published on Writings of Leviticus, and Zack suggested I add HTML tags so that the appropriate formatting would show on his site. Before I started using the tags, the particular formatting didn't show; that's why the portion of my work that was accepted for BoundStories, looks different there than it does on WoL.

Daffy Duck

Hi Delilah Winston,

The Plaza has @ 17 sections.

You can ask Gromet to post a story in any of these.


Delilah Winston

Gromet hasn't spoken to me in ages. If he had, I probably never would have posted the original post in this thread. I've emailed him, sent him six new pieces that hadn't been posted yet, even created an account here in order to send him a private message in case there was a problem with his (or my) email. I never got a response to any of it. This is going back to August of last year. That's why I said I gave up trying to push the issue.

I posted this thread here because I knew I had to ask the community. I haven't heard directly from Gromet in almost a full year. I understand he's had tech-related issues, that he had to be offline for a number of months, but I can't act on what I don't know.

Unfortunately, I don't know the "rules" of these forums, so I don't know where to post any work I've done. I've given up trying to chase after Gromet. Either he's far too busy, again, or who knows, maybe he's even angry at me for trying to chase after him the first time? I need to ask the people here.

Daffy Duck

Hi Delilah,

I am very sorry to hear that.

I will let Gromet reply directly, which I am sure he will.

I can only speak as I find. I have not had a bad experience. True one of my stories did not get posted for months. But he was too polite to tell me he felt the ending was too gruesome for the site rules. I changed the ending. He posted it.

As most people know, Gromet is an one-man-band. The licence is in his name, so he feels obliged to read and check everything.  The gang have offered to help, but Gromet is the boss.  One downside is that his inbox looks as tall as Mt Everest, and maybe stuff gets buried, not intentionally, but from the shear weight of the post. 

I will flag this debate for Gromet to reply.



As  an encouragement I've posted several stories here and it sometimes takes a while. Gromet was gone on a holiday a few months ago and I can only imagine the backlog he had waiting for him, including your stories, was insane. Everything I sent to him has made it on  to the site. I counsel patience; your stories will show up as soon as time permits.
The race is long, and in the end it is only with yourself.

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