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stories by GeeTwo

Started by black_falcon_2002, April 26, 2016, 09:31:14 PM

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up since 2008, last update 5/15, many illustrated stories:

incomplete list of story codes:
bodymod, bond, chastity, climax, concrete, cons, cons/nc, cons/reluct, corset, denial, device, encased, entrap, experiment, f-self, F/f, hospital, latex, leather, M/f, M/ff, Machine/f, mc, MF+/f, MF/f, MM/f, MM/ff, nc, objectified, orgasm, permanent, piercing, ponygirl, public, slavery, steel, stuck, toys, train, XX


Love GeeTwo's stories and honestly thought I had read them all, however there is a new, long story. Thank you

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